Saturday, July 1, 2017

A Fire Erupted In A Supermarket At Rajagiriya Had Been Doused

A fire erupted in a Supermarket at Rajagiriya
(Colombo)early this morning(02) had been doused by the fire brigades of Kotte,Dehiwala and Colombo urban councils.

No casualties had been reported due to the incident.A severe damage had been done to the Supermarket due to the fire which spreads throughout it,it has been reported.

A leakage of electricity had been identified as the cause  of the fire and the value of the damage done due to the fire not yet been determined according to sources.


Good friends should be always there for each other 

USA Informed The Sri Lankan Authorities On A Plot Of A ISIS Attack

US intelligence Officers have informed the Sri Lankan
authorities on a plot of ISIS Terrorist group   to hijack an Aircraft from Rathmalana Air Base in Sri Lanka and attack the US Embassy in Colombo.

 A group of US Intelligence officers have arrived in Sri Lanka to probe on the plot it has been revealed.

A Person Was Killed And A Female Was Injured Due To A Road Accident

A person was killed and a female was critically injured
and hospitalized after a Three wheeler they were travelling in toppling over  the neluwa-morawaka road and colliding with a van.

The critically injured male and the female have been admitted to the Madagama Hospital and the male had succumbed to his injuries afterwards.The deceased had been identified as a 27 year old resident of Deniyaya area.

The accident was occurred due to the high speed of the Three Wheeler according to the police.

Morawaka police have arrested the drivers of the Three Wheeler and the Van regarding thr incident.

Three Jayawardanapura University Students Were Injured Due To A Clash

Three students attached to the Jayawardanapura
University in Kotte have been injured and hospitalized following a clash occurred betwern two student groups in the University premises last night (30).

The injured students were admitted to the South Colombo Teaching Hospital (Kalubowila)for treatment.

The special police task force personal arrived in the scene have dispersed the two stude`nt groups involved in the clash around one hour it has been reported.Mirihana Police are conducting an investigation on the incident.

University Of Moratuwa Had Closed Due To Spreading Of Dengue And Viral Flu

Moratuwa Campus had closed today (01) for two
weeks due to the spread of Dengue and a Viral flu among the University students according to the University authorities.

More than 80 University students have been infected with Dengue and one female student has died due to the disease up to now the authorities have stated.

Due to Dengue mosquito breeding places in hostals of the University and the houses around them Dengue has spreaded rapidly among students they have revealed.Meanwhile A group of Moratuwa University Students have conducted a protest campaign this morning in front of the University demanding solution for the Dengue problem.