Minister Of Health Dr.Rajitha Senaratne has requested the President Maithripala Sirisena to declare an emergency disaster situation and implement a proper garbage removal system for a two week period by deploying tri forces and police personal as a solution for garbage removal problem experienced in Colombo and other cities of the country.
Health Minister has made this request after considering the Dengue Epidemic situation in the country and it's link to the garbage collected in roads of many cities .The request was made during a meeting held yesterday(14) with private sector representatives to getting their support for the mosquito control programmes implemented by the Health Ministry.
During the meeting the Minister has stressed the need of disposing and removing the garbage properly and the importance of public and local government bodies to assisting the government in this regard .
Health Minister has made this request after considering the Dengue Epidemic situation in the country and it's link to the garbage collected in roads of many cities .The request was made during a meeting held yesterday(14) with private sector representatives to getting their support for the mosquito control programmes implemented by the Health Ministry.
During the meeting the Minister has stressed the need of disposing and removing the garbage properly and the importance of public and local government bodies to assisting the government in this regard .