Monday, June 12, 2017

A Person Was Killed And His Wife Got Injured After Colliding With A Train

A 25 year old person was killed and his
wife had been critically injured and hospitalized after colliding with a train travelling from Jaffna to Matara last afternoon (11) at kahawa station in Ambalangoda.

The two faced this incident while trying to take a selfie at the rail track it has been reported.

The critically injured female had been admitted to the Balapitiya Base Hospital .

A Person Was Injured And Hospitalized Due To A Motor Car-Train Collision

A person  had been injured and hospitalized after the
motor car he was driving in colliding with the "Samudra Devi" train travelling from Maradana to Galle near the train station in Northern Kalutara railway station today (12).

Due to the collision the engine of the Train too affected   and as a result train made a sudden stop at Aluthgama railway station  .The passangers of the train  have been later boarded to a slow train travelling to Galle it has been reported.

Around 28 Injured Due To A Collision Of Four Vehicles

Related imageAround 28 persons including 02 school children were hospitalized this morning after four vehicles colliding with each other in Pitiwella,Ginthota area on Galle-Colombo main road .

The injured were admitted to the Karapitiya Teaching Hospital.


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More Than 849,000 Persosn Affected Due To The Dry Weather In The Country

Image result for dry weatherMore than  849,000 people in the Northern ,Eastern and North Western Parts of the country have been affected due to the dry weather prevailing in there at the moment according to the Disaster Management Center.

Dry Weather is mainly prevailing in Jaffna,Ampara,Batticaloa and Kurunagala districts it has been revealed.

NBRO Has Commenced A Research On A Cracks Appeared Of A Karapitiya Hospital Ward

Image result for cracks appeared on a wallThe Engineers attached to the National Building Research Organization(NBRO) has commenced  a research on the cracks appeared on a walls of a ward attached to the Karapitiya Teaching Hospital last night(11) according to the Director General Of Health Services Dr.Jayasundara Bandara.

According to the result of a preliminary research done  this morning(12) after being inspected the cracked walls of the ward the Engineers have informed the authorities no need to panic on the situation and there is no need to remove patients from the ward at the moment Dr.Bandara has stated.

The research continues according to the Director General Of Health Services.

A Pregnant Female Teacher And Her Three Year Old Daughter Received Minor Injuries After A Wild Elephant Falling Down To Their Car

Image result for elephant falling down to a car moragodaA Pregnant female Teacher  and her three year old daughter received minor injuries  after a wild elephant falling  down to the Motor Car driven by the female teacher in wee hours of this morning (12) in front of the Teak reserve at Moragoda.Thalawa area.

The wild elephant was fallen down to the Motor Car after it colliding with the elephant and the Car was severely damaged due to the incident.The mother and her daughter have been trapped inside the Car for a while due to the incident  and they were  hospitalized after being rescued by the residents of the area.

The Pregnant female who driven the car is a teacher attached to the Galanawa  Central Collage it has been revealed.