Sunday, May 28, 2017

A Fire Is Raging In Rock Hill Reserve In Badulle

Image result for fireA sudden fire has  occurred in "Rock Hill" reserve in Badulle this evening(28) due to the dry weather prevails there it has been reported.

The fire is still raging and several acres of land belongs to the reserve had been already destroyed due to it according to the reports.

A Threat Of Crocodile Attacks Arisen In Matara Due To The Overflowing Of Nilwala River

Image result for crocodile clip artAs the Nilwlala River is continuously overflowing a threat has arisen of dangerous crocodiles invading the land areas according to the Government sources. 

Government Information Department has announced today that people lives near Nilwala River should be vigilant on crocodile attacks .

People lives near the river banks of Nilwala have   yesterday(27) advised to vacate their homes and move to safety places as a threat arisen of breaking the bund build to prevent flooding.

Death Toll Due To The Adverse Weather Arisen To 151-111 Still Missing

The death toll due to the adverse weather condition in 15 Districts of the country  had arisen to 151 by this evening(28) while 111 remained missing according to the Disaster Management Center(DMC).

More than 442,000 persons have been displaced and affected due to landslides and floods the Center has stated.

After two days of heavy showers followed by landslides and floods in 15 districts relief and rescue teams had today managed to reach thousands of stranded people in the areas where electricity and telecommunication lines are cut and water supply cutoff .

Many Places in 15 districts throughout the country affected due to floods and landslides  including Galle,Ratnapura and Matara towns  are still under water and in some places water recedes with the improved weather condition  it has been reported.

While the whole society is mourning over what has happened to our people due to adverse weather ,how can few selfish people telecasting movies and Entertaining  programmes under these circumstances- It's another tragady "

Even a  famous local sportsman who had criticized the  terrorist attack occurred in the west last week as soon as it happened kept silence over what has happened here. That attack was also a tragady and the situation here also.


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United Nations ,Unites States And Pakistan To Provide Relief Aid To Adverse Weather Affected Families In Sri Lanka

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The United Nations, United States and Pakistan have decided to provide financial and food aid to Sri Lanka to help families who have been  displaced and affected due to floods and landslides at present.

Accordingly United Nations will provide aid through their affiliated organizations in Sri Lanka and United States is due to provide Rs.15 million worth financial aid and to send relief teams to Sri Lanka . 

Pakistan Embassy in Sri Lanka too stated that the Pakistani Government will provide aid for Sri Lankan families displaced and affected due to the floods and landslides.


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