Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Excise Department Had Arrested A Software Engineer With 1176 Narcotic Pills In Possession

Image result for arrested logoA Software Engineer had been arrested with around 1176 narcotic pills in his possession near the flyover bridge in Nugegoda last evening (15) by the Excise Department officials. 

The officials of the  special operations bureau attached to the Excise Department who arrested the suspected Software Engineer had also taken into the custody the Luxury Jeep used by the suspect to transport the drugs.

The value of the narcotic pills in possession of the suspect has been estimated as around Rs.7 million .

The suspect has been identified as a large scale drug dealer who received orders to supply narcotic pills to parties through online .


Image result for dalai lama on friendshipRelated imageImage result for dalai lama on friendship

A Person Was Arrested With 270 Kilo Grammes Of Packed Cannabis

Image result for arrestedPanamura Police have arrested a  person  with 270 Kilo Grammes Of dried packed Cannabis prepared to be sold  in a house in Kalukotuwa village at Panamura area today(16).

The suspect has hidden the Cannabis packs in his house according to the Police.

A 72 Year Old Motorcyclist Was Killed After Falling Down To The Lunuoya

Image result for accidentA 72 year old  Motorcyclist was killed after falling  down to the Lunuoya following the collision of his Motorcycle  with a Lunuoya Bridge on Thoduwawa-Madampe road this morning(16).

The deceased had been identified as a resident of egodayaya,Madampe area and he faced this incident while on the way to Thoduwawa area to buy fish for his hotel  it has been revealed.

Marawila Police are conducting an investigation on the incident.

Nepali President Bidya Devi Bandhari Had Left Sri Lanka

Image result for bidya devi bhandariNepali President Bidya Devi Bandhari who arrived in Sri Lanka last Saturday(13) to attend the concluding ceremony of the United Nations International Vesak Festival had left Sri Lanka today(16).

She was the chief guest of the concluding ceremony of the United National Vesak Festival held last Sunday(14) in Kandy.

GSP Plus Tariff Concession Regained By Sri Lanka Will Become Effective From 19th Of May

Image result for gsp plus sri lanka 2017The GSP Plus tariff concession regained by Sri Lanka from the European Union will become  effective from this Friday(19) European Union Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldives Tung Lai Margue  has been announced this morning(16).

Accordingly Sri Lankan Products including Garments will be able to export to the European  Union countries under 66% tariff concession.

No condition has applied when granting the once suspended GSP Plus concession to Sri Lanka again and only considered the progress made by Sri Lanka under the current regime in the fields of   human rights,Environment Security and Labour relations as well as the progress achieved when implementing 27 international conventions  relevant to good governance the  European Union Ambassador has stated .

Due to the regaining of  GSP Plus concession the production and the export sectors in the country are expect a record growth according to the government.

European Union has suspended the granting of GSP Plus concession to Sri Lanka during the previous regime.

Can Cinnamon Reverse A High-Fat Diet?