- The common symptoms of blood cancers can include
- Unexplained weight loss
- Fatigue
- Feeling weak or breathless
- Easily bruise or bleed
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Swollen stomach or abdominal discomfort
- Frequent and repeated infections
- Fever/night sweats
- Pain in bones/joints
- Itchy skin
- Bone pain (ribs/back)
If you or anybody you know is experiencing any or all of these symptoms, then we urge you to visit your GP who will refer you for further tests if they suspect you have a blood cancer.
Know the symptoms – Think T.E.S.T
Our symptoms cards are an easy way to remember the common symptoms of blood cancers.
T – Tiredness and exhaustion
E – Excessive sweating
S – Sore bones and joints
T – Terrible bruising and unusual bleeding