Friday, April 7, 2017


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MP Weerawansha Released On Bail

Image result for bailColombo Fort Magistrate Court has today(07) released the Joint Opposition MP Wimal Weerawanhsa who were in prison for nearly three months over misusing of state owned vehicles ,on bail .

The MP who was admitted to the Colombo National Hospital recently due to a fasting campaign he had launched was released on a cash bail of Rs.50,000 and two personal bails of Rs.500,000 each .However the Colombo Fort Magistrate instructed the MP Weerawansha to to hand over his  passport to the Court.

The MP who arrived in the Court through an Ambulance as his revised bail application considered by the Court  today was discharged by the Hospital this evening soon after he was released on bail.


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Two Persons Were Killed Due To A Fire In A Fire Cracker Factory

Image result for fireTwo persons reported as killed due to a fire occurred in a fire cracker factory in Kimbulapitiya,Negambo(Cololmbo) this evening.

Fire Brigade arrived in the scene involved in  dousing the fire it has been revealed,

Ministry Of Health To Taken Over The Dr.Neville Fernando Private Hospital

Ministry Of Health,Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine will be taken over the controversial  
Image result for ministry of higher education logo sri lankaDr.Neville Fernando Private Hospital attached to the Private Medical Collage in Malabe(SAITM) soon as a step to solve the problems arisen due to the Hospital and the Medical Collage, the Ministry Of Higher Education and Highways has announced today(07).

According to the Ministry Of Higher Education the following steps will be taken as measures to solve the Malabe Private Medical Collage issue in addition to taken over of the Dr.Neville Fernando Hospital .

(1)The students passed out from the Private Medical Collage in Malabe will be given a further clinical training in Awissawella and Homagama Hospitals on Surgery,Obstetrics and  Gynecology  and Medical science .

(2) Passed out students will be allowed to sit for an examination jointly conducted by the Sri Lanka Medical Council and University Grants Commission 

(3) The Ministry Of Health will be gazetted the minimum standards required by medical education in Sri Lanka  recommended by the Sri Lanka Medical Council as per the approval of Attorney General.

Sri Lankan Dental Equipment Manufacturer In Jaffna Made A Dental Chalr Locally

Displaying W03.jpgThe owner of the Tissomed Technologies in Jaffna (North) Kulendran Raja who manufactured Dental equipment  made A Dental Chair Locally  with a cost of Rs.550,000 according to the Ministry Of Health.

The newly made local Dental Chair was presented to the Health Minister Dr.Rajitha Senaratne by the manufacturer recently during a function  held in Cancer Unit in Thelippalai ,Jaffna .

After seen the locally made Dental Chair ,Minister  has instructed the Acting Director General Of Health Services Dr.Jayasundara Bandara to check   the ability of purchasing the locally made Dental Chair to local hospitals.