In another tragic incident three teenagers who sat for the G.C.E Ordinary Level Examination in last December, have drowned in seas off Muttur in Trincomalee (Eastern Province)early this morning while bathing .
The deceased teenagers who were residents of Thihariya in Nittambuwa area had gone to sea bath along with another friend after attending a religious ceremony in Muttur ,and three of them were drowned while bathing it has been revealed.
Soon after they were drowned Police along with the fishermen in the area have launched a searched operation and later they have found the bodies of the deceased.The bodies of the deceased teenagers were sent to Muttur Hospital.
The deceased teenagers who were residents of Thihariya in Nittambuwa area had gone to sea bath along with another friend after attending a religious ceremony in Muttur ,and three of them were drowned while bathing it has been revealed.
Soon after they were drowned Police along with the fishermen in the area have launched a searched operation and later they have found the bodies of the deceased.The bodies of the deceased teenagers were sent to Muttur Hospital.