An unidentified persons had stolen around Rs.5.7 Million from a State Bank in Madagama at Monaragala by breaking the ATM(Automated Teller Machine )of the Bank last Friday(20).
The details on the Bank robbery has been revealed after a owner of the shop nearby the state bank had informed the Bank Management regarding an images of two suspects indicated in CCTV of the shop this morning.The shop owner have seen the images of the suspects in CCTV after opened the shop for cleaning this morning.
Bank Management informed the Madagama Police on the incident.After been informed the Police have recovered that around Rs.5.7 million out of Rs.9 million deposited in ATM of the bank last Friday had stolen by robbers after changing the CCTV of the Bank and removed it's recorder.
The details on the Bank robbery has been revealed after a owner of the shop nearby the state bank had informed the Bank Management regarding an images of two suspects indicated in CCTV of the shop this morning.The shop owner have seen the images of the suspects in CCTV after opened the shop for cleaning this morning.
Bank Management informed the Madagama Police on the incident.After been informed the Police have recovered that around Rs.5.7 million out of Rs.9 million deposited in ATM of the bank last Friday had stolen by robbers after changing the CCTV of the Bank and removed it's recorder.