Friday, December 23, 2016

Three Persons Were Arrested Over Illegal Gem Mining In Ratnapura

Special Police Task Force Personal had arrested three
persons over illegal gem mining at Ratnapura-Marapana area.

During the raid the Police officers have also taken into custody the equipment used for gem mining by the suspects.

The suspects along with the Gem Mining equipment had been handed over to the Ratnapura office of the Gem and Jewelry Authority

High Voltage Of Power Supply Destroyed Electrical Appliances In Nuwara Eliya Houses

An electric appliances used by house holds in
Gaminipura,Nuwara Eliya (Central Province) had been destroyed due to a  high voltage of power supply  it has been reported.

The high voltage of power supplied to the area as a result of a lorry colliding with electrical wires in the area on last Thursday according to the Ceylon Electricity Board(CEB).

Ceylon Electricity Board has decided to pay a co pansation for the destroyed Electric Appliances in Nuwara Eliya .


A 74 Year Old Person Was Killed Due To A Road Accident

A 74 year old person was killed yesterday (23) after
colliding  with a Private Bus while crossing the  road on Embilipitiya-Ratnapura road in Kahawatte.

Police have arrested the Private Bus driver regarding the accident.

Spread Of "Goiters" In Sri Lanka Has Been Reduced By 25% During Last 30 Years

The spread of "Goiters"(Enlargement of Thyroid Gland)which is caused due to Iodine
Deficiency in Sri Lanka has been decreased by 25% during the last 30 year period as a result of promoting the use of Iodised salt in the country according to the President of Sri Lanka Medical Nutritionists Association Dr.Renuka Jayathissa.

Accordingly around 30% of Sri Lankan population had suffered from "Goiters" in 1986 and at present only 2% is suffering from the disease Dr.Jayathissa has stated.

Sri Lankan Health Ministry has commenced promoting Iodised Salt in the country in 1996 and at present almost every salt pack in the market contains Iodine as it makes compulsory to contain Iodine in every salt product in the country  she has stressed.

Meanwhile it has been reported that  25% of the Sri Lankan population not receiving Iodine through salt as they are getting used to wash salt crystles   and as a result Iodine has washed away from crystles Dr.Jayathissa has stated.

Former Sri Lankan Ambassador To USA Jaliya Wikramasuriya Was Further Remanded

Former Sri Lankan Ambassador to United States Of
America Jaliya Wikramasurita who was arrested and remanded over misusing of state funds while at office during previous regime,has been further remanded until 02nd of January next year by the Colombo Fort Magistrate.

The former ambassador has been further remanded after been produced before the Colombo Fort Magistrate Court yesterday (23).

He was arrested by the CID officers on 18th of November while attempting to leave the country at Katunayake Airport.The former Ambassador to USA was charged over misappropriating state funds around Rs.51.7 million during purchasing of a building for the Sri Lankan  Embassy in Washington D.C.

Three Persons Were Injured And Hospitalized Due To A Multi Vehicle Collision At Nugegoda

Three persons were injured and hospitalized yesterday (23)noon after six vehicles colliding with
 each other at  Gamsabha Junction in Nugegoda (Colombo).

The injured were admitted to the South Colombo (Kalubowila)Teaching Hospital for treatment.

The accident has occured due to a motor car was colliding with five orher vrhicles at the Gamsabha Junction it has been reported.