Thursday, December 15, 2016

A Youth Was Killed At Southern Expressway Due To A Motor Car Accident

අදාළ රූපයA youth was killed this morning(15) near 60th mile post at Southern Expressway following the motor car he was driving in veered off the road and crashed into the defense fence of Expressway it has been reported.

The youth who was critically injured due to the accident ,admitted to the Elpitiya Base Hospital and he was succumbed to his injuries after admission.

The deceased who was a resident of Morawake area ,driving his car towards Matara at the time of the accident according to Police.

Elpitiya Police are conducting an investigation on the incident.

Temporary Dock Workers Attached To Magampura Port Ended Their Strike

Image result for magampura harborTemporary Dock workers attached to Magampura Port in Hambanthota (Southern Province)who have launched a strike nine days ago demanding to recruit 480 temporary Dock Workers of the Port to Sri Lanka Ports Authority and stop selling the Magampura Port to a Chinese Company had ended their strike action today(15) and returned to work.

The Port workers ended their strike after  Minister of Ports And Shipping Arjuna Ranathunge has stated that those strikers  who will  not return to work  by 2 p.m today will be considered as leaving their jobs.

Sri Lanka Navy have intervened last Saturday to disperse a group of Port strikers in the Magampura Port as the protestors blocked a Japanese Vehicle carrier from leaving the Port.

Twelve Students Sitting For The G.C.E Ordinary Level Examination Hospitalized Due To Dengue Fever

dengue සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
Twelve Students who are currently sitting for G.C.E Ordianry Level examination had been admitted to the Colombo-IDH Fever Hospital due to Dengue Fever according to the Ministry Of Health,Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine.

Authorities  have taken steps to establish an Examination Center in the Hospital to enable these students to sit for the remaining papers of  G.C.E Ordinary Level examination without any difficulty the  Ministry Of Health has stressed.A team of doctors of IDH Hospital are currently monitoring the situation of the twelve students  suffering from Dengue on daily basis it has been reported.

During this year up to now  47,900 Dengue Patients have been reported throughout the island and 77 died due to the disease according to the National Dengue Control Programee.


Eye Pupils, Unequal



Unequal Pupils (Anisocoria)The pupil is the black center part of the eye. Pupils get larger (dilate) in dim light and smaller (constrict) in bright light. Usually both pupils are about the same size and respond to light equally. Unequal pupil size is called anisocoria.

If pupil sizes are very unequal, a person may notice the discrepancy. More often, unequal pupils are noticed only during a doctor's examination. Unequal pupils themselves usually cause no symptoms, but occasionally a person may have trouble focusing on near objects. Also, the underlying disorder sometimes causes other symptoms such as eye pain and redness, loss of vision, drooping eyelid, double vision, or headache. These more noticeable symptoms are often the reason people seek medical care rather than the unequal pupils.
Unequal Pupils (Anisocoria)
Photo courtesy of Professor H.J. Meyer via the Online Journal of Ophthalmology (


The most common cause of unequal pupils is
  • Physiologic anisocoria
Physiologic anisocoria is pupils that are naturally different in size. No disorder is present. About 20% of people have this lifelong condition, which is considered a normal variation. In such people, both pupils react normally to light and darkness and there are no symptoms.
Less commonly, people have unequal pupils because of
  • Eye disorders
  • Nervous system disorders

Warning signs

In people with unequal pupils, certain symptoms and characteristics are cause for concern. They include
  • Drooping eyelid (ptosis)
  • Double vision
  • Loss of vision
  • Headache or neck pain
  • Eye pain
  • Recent head or eye injury

When to see a doctor

People with warning signs should see a doctor right away. People without warning signs but who have any other symptoms should call the doctor. The doctor can decide how quickly they need to be seen based on their symptoms. People who simply happen to have noticed unequal pupils and feel well can usually wait a week or two to see a doctor.



Wednesday, December 14, 2016



Midwives Attached To Kegalle Health Institutes Are Due To Launch A Strike Today (15)

Midwives attached to the government health
institutions and MOH offices  in Kegalle District are due to launch a one day token strike from 8 a.m today (15) to 8 a.m tomorrow (16) against the ill treatment received by Midwives from Kegalle District Health Services Director's office according to the Government Midwives Union .

The officers of the Health Services Directors Office in Kegalle had tarnished the image of Midwives by requesting special grade Midwives to carry out  their duties at a store belonging to the office  by refusing to give them a space in the office the Union has stated.