Imprisoned former Eastern Commander of LTTE and former DeputyMinister Vinayagamurthy Muralidaren allias Karuna Amman who was remanded over misusing of Rs.800 million worth state owned bullet proof vehicle during previous government released on bail today(07) under strict bail conditions by the Colombo Chief Magistrate Gihan Pilapitiya.
Former Deputy Minister of National Integration Karuna Amman had been released on a cash bail of Rs.1 million and four personal bails of Rs.5 million each.Magistrate ordered him to appear before the Police during every Sunday and imposed a foreign travel ban on him.
He was arrested by the Police Financial Crimes Investigations Division on 29th of November after recorded a statement from him regarding the allegation.
Former Deputy Minister of National Integration Karuna Amman had been released on a cash bail of Rs.1 million and four personal bails of Rs.5 million each.Magistrate ordered him to appear before the Police during every Sunday and imposed a foreign travel ban on him.
He was arrested by the Police Financial Crimes Investigations Division on 29th of November after recorded a statement from him regarding the allegation.