Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Police Used Tear Gas And Water Canons To Disperse Protest March Of University Students

අදාළ රූපයPolice have used tear gas and water canons to disperse the protest march of two university student groups due to blocking the main parliament road short while ago it has been reported.

Earlier Police have advised the motorists to avoid the parliamentary road from rajagiriya to battaramulle  due to heavy traffic prevails in there as a result of the protest march.Motorists are advise to use an alternative routes to travel.

Government Doctors And Dental Surgeons To Launch an Island Wide Token Strike Tomorrow(30)

sri lanka government doctors සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵලMedical Doctors and Dental Surgeons attached to government hospitals are due to launch an island wide  token strike from 08 a.m tomorrow(30) to 8 .am next day(01) by opposing the government's annual budget proposals-2017 and giving recognition to Malabe Private Medical Collage according to Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) and Government Dental Surgeons Association (GDSA).

During the strike period emergency services will be maintained as usual the two Doctors Trade Unions have announced.

Borella De Soyza Maternity ,Castle Street Maternity,Lady Ridgway Children's ,Peradeniya Sirimawo Bandaranaike Children's and Maharagama Apeksha Hospitals are excluded from tomorrow's strike the GMOA has stated.,


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Around 16.3% Of 2-19 Years Age Group in Sri Lanka Is Obese

obesity සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵලAround 16.3%  of the children and adolescents belonging to 2-19 years age group in Sri Lanka is obese according to the Director of National Poisonous information Center in Colombo National Hospital and Consultant Physician Dr.Waruna Gunathilake.

Addressing a Media Seminar held at Health Education Bureau in Colombo this morning Dr.Gunathilake has stressed that the Obesity among st all age groups in the country is on the increase due to factors like bad food habits and Lack of exercise .

If a female's waist size is 35 inches or more and male's waist size is 40 inches or more than she/he  prone to obesity Dr.Gunathialke has stated.

People should avoid instant junk food and consume a nutritious meal  which includes vegetables,fruits,green leaves and cereals,restricting the consuming of  oil foods and have a good daily exercise to avoid obesity which can lead deadly diseases like Heart diseases,Type two Diabetes ,High Blood Preassure,High Cholesterol,Asthma and Cancers he has stressed.


obesity and skin diseases සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵලObesity is a growing epidemic affecting millions worldwide. It has numerous effects on various systems of the body leading to physiological changes that may cause the development of diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, high blood cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.
Obesity also raises the risk of fatty liver disease, gall bladder disease, osteoarthritis and certain cancers. It is estimated that the cost of treating obesity related diseases contributes 2–7% of total national health care costs in developed countries.

Obesity is related to a number of effects on skin health as well. Obesity affects the skin barrier function, workings of the sebaceous glands and sebum production that keeps the skin moisturized and supple, sweat glands, small lymph channels under the skin, collagen structure and function, wound healing, small blood vessels under the skin, and subcutaneous fat.

Effects of obesity on the skin

  • Effects on skin barrier function

    Obesity increases water loss across the skin to a great extent. In morbidly obese patients skin is significantly dry and skin repair after wounds is impaired.
  • Sebaceous glands and sebum production

    Sebum plays a major role in acne development. It is an oily substance that is produced to keep the skin moisturized and supple. Acne occurs when the sebaceous channels are blocked and infected. Acne is clearly exacerbated by obesity-associated disorders.

    • In obese individuals androgens (male hormones), insulin, growth hormone, and insulin like growth factors are raised. These are all known risk factors for acne.
    • Sweat glands

      Obese patients have larger skin folds and tend to sweat more profusely due to thick layers of subcutaneous fat.
    • Lymph channels

      Obesity impede or slow lymphatic flow. This leads to collection of protein-rich lymphatic fluid in the subcutaneous tissue. This is called lymphedema.
    • Blood vessels of the skin

      Obesity changes blood circulation of the skin leading to obesity-related microangiopathy and hypertension. Blood flow in the skin is increased in obese individuals.
    • Skin diseases aggravated by obesity

      Some skin diseases are aggravated by obesity and overweight. These include:-
    • lymphedema
    • psoriasis
    • chronic venous insufficiency
    • insulin resistance syndrome
    • cellulite
    • skin infections including fungal infections
    • plantar hyperkeratosis
    • hidradenitis suppurativa
    • tophaceous gout
    • intertrigo

Colombo Additional Magistrate Turned Down The Request Made By Welikada Police To Issue A Stay Order Agsinst Student Protest

protest clipart සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
Colombo Additional Magistrate has today(29) turned down the request made by Welikada Police to issue a stay order to prevent the protest march organized by Inter University Students Federation(IUSUF) and Colombo Medical Faculty Students Federation by opposing the budget proposals-2017 and SATIM (Private Medical Collage in Malabe)entering the high security zone near the Parliamentary Complex.

After refused to issue a stay order  the Colombo Additional Magistrate Chandana Kalansuriya has instructed the Police to take necessary  action if the protestors disturbed peace.