The former Eastern Commander of LTTE and Deputy Minister Vinayagamurthi Muralitharan alias Karuna Amman has been arrested this morning by the Police Financial Crimes Investigations Division (FCID) over misusing state owned vehicle while he was a Deputy Minister in the previous government.
After being produced before the Colombo Chief Magistrate Gihan Pilapitiya this noon Karuna Amman has been remanded until 07th of December.
The former Eastern Commander of LTTE and Deputy Minister was arrested by the FCID this morning after questioned him several hours over the misuse of a state owned vehicle.
After being produced before the Colombo Chief Magistrate Gihan Pilapitiya this noon Karuna Amman has been remanded until 07th of December.
The former Eastern Commander of LTTE and Deputy Minister was arrested by the FCID this morning after questioned him several hours over the misuse of a state owned vehicle.