Minister Of Finance Ravi Karunannayake who begun his Budget Speech one hour ago has announced a maximum retail price for 400 Grammes Milk Powder Pack and 1 Kilo Gramme Of Chicken Rs.295 and Rs.420 respectively.
The Finance Minister has also stated that to increase the local milk production government will import 15,000 milk cows to Sri Lanka at a cost of Rs.400 million.10 Cows will be distributed per milk farmer to increase the milk production he has stressed.
A day before his budget speech Finance Minister has stressed that he will present a people's friendly budget today(10).
The Finance Minister has also stated that to increase the local milk production government will import 15,000 milk cows to Sri Lanka at a cost of Rs.400 million.10 Cows will be distributed per milk farmer to increase the milk production he has stressed.
A day before his budget speech Finance Minister has stressed that he will present a people's friendly budget today(10).