Sri Lanka becomes the number one country in South Asia with lowest maternal .infants in the womb developed fetus and new born death rates in the region according to the Perinatal Society Of Sri Lanka.
Accordingly the annual maternal death rate in the country stands at 33.7 deaths per 100,000 live child births.infant mortality rate stands at 4 deaths per 1000 live child births and New Born Death Rate stands at 5.6 per 1000 live child births the president of the Perinatal Society Of Sri Lanka Dr.Kapila Jayaratne has stated.
As a developing country Sri Lanka becomes nearer to the achievements of developed countries at present in this regard and these developments have been achieved as a result of 99 percent Pre delivery care , 100 percent child births occurred in the hospitals and 91 percent post child delivery care Dr.Kapila Jayaratne has stressed during a media seminar held at Health Education Bureau in Colombo last Thursday(03)
Sri Lanka aiming to lower the rates further regarding maternal and child deaths by acceleration of good pre and post delivery care in government hospital he has further stated .
Accordingly the annual maternal death rate in the country stands at 33.7 deaths per 100,000 live child births.infant mortality rate stands at 4 deaths per 1000 live child births and New Born Death Rate stands at 5.6 per 1000 live child births the president of the Perinatal Society Of Sri Lanka Dr.Kapila Jayaratne has stated.
As a developing country Sri Lanka becomes nearer to the achievements of developed countries at present in this regard and these developments have been achieved as a result of 99 percent Pre delivery care , 100 percent child births occurred in the hospitals and 91 percent post child delivery care Dr.Kapila Jayaratne has stressed during a media seminar held at Health Education Bureau in Colombo last Thursday(03)
Sri Lanka aiming to lower the rates further regarding maternal and child deaths by acceleration of good pre and post delivery care in government hospital he has further stated .