Monday, October 31, 2016

Several Roads In Galle Have Been Flooded Due To Heavy Showers

Due to the heavy showers fallen after a long time to Galle today (31) several roads in Galle (Southern Pronce)including the Southern Expressway had been flooded and affected the transport work it has been reported.

Accordingly the Galle-Baddegama Road,Dangedara,Beligaha,Hirimbura and Alapahala roads were flooded as a result of heavy showers .

Two Persons Arrested Yesterday on Suspicion of Members Of Ava Group Not Theirs-Police

The two motor cyclists  who were arrested by the Jaffna Police yesterday (30) in Jaffna with two swords in their possession on suspicion of  members of the "Ava" Crime Gang now believed to be not members of that gang according to the police.

During the questioning at Police  it has been revealed that the two suspects are dancing teacher and his student and they were on their way to hand over swords to it's owner at the time of the accident.

The student had used the  sword for his practicals in  Advanced Level paper on "Drama and acting" it has been stated.

A 62 Year Old Businessman Was Found Dead In A Hotel At Nittambuwa

A 62 year old businessman who was a hotel owner was  found dead in a hotel at Nittambuwa (Colombo) today (31) the Police Media Unit has announced.

The deceased who was the owner of a hotel in urapola,Nittambuwa believe to have been strangled to death according to the Police.

Police are further investigating on the incident.

Entry Road To Galle Face Closed This Morning Due To A Protest March

Entry road to Galle Face from the lotus roundabout in Colombo was closed this morning due to a protest march organized by disabled tri forces and Police Pensioners it has been reported.

One lane of Olcott Mawatha (Road) in front of the Colombo Fort railway station too blocked due to the protest conducted over the current pension scheme.

Police had advised the motorists to use an alternative routes due to the situation.


Colombo High Court Has Sentenced To Death Five Cousin Brothers Over A Murder

Colombo High Court has today (31) sentenced to death five persons over a murder of a resident at S
angaraja Road ,Maradana (Colombo) in 2001.

Colombo High Court Judge Padmini N Ranawake has announced the judgment this evening when the murder case was taken up for hearing at the court.

Earlier Attorney General has indicted five accused cousin brothers over the murder of Sangaraja Road resident.