All the State owned Pharmacies (Rajaye Osu Sal) and sub Pharmacies are due to issue the 48 price reducted drugs to the public according to the reduced prices with effect from tomorrow (24) the Ministry of Health,Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine has been announced.
Accordingly 32 State owned pharmacies and 130 sub pharmacies in the island will issue high quality laboratory tested drugs mentioned in the Gazette Notification from tomorrow under the instructions of Minister of Health Dr.Rajitha Senaratne the Ministry has stated.
Health Minister has also ordered the Special Investigations Unit of the Health Ministry to conduct raids in pharmacies throughout the island to check whether these pharmacies are selling the price reducted 48 drug varieties according to the reduced prices.
Ministry Of Health is due to introduce two special contact numbers for public to make complaints regarding pharmacies which not selling price reducted drugs under the instructions given in the Gazette Notification soon the Ministry Sources have revealed.