Thursday, September 29, 2016


Distributing Of Expensive "Stents" Among Coronary Heart Patients In Government Hospitals Free Of Charge Has Begun

Provision of expensive "Stents" which used to open blockage of arteries of coronary heart patients in Government Hospitals free of charge ,had begun yesterday (29) with the distribution of 500 "Stents" imported to Sri Lanka by the Ministry of Health,Nutrition and Indiginous Medicine.

A stock of around 500 "Stents" imported to Sri Lanka to distribute among coronary heart patients in government hospitals free of charge  had been arrived in Medical Supplies Division on last Wednesday (28) according to the Health Ministry.

Another stock required by government hospitals for next three months is due to be receieved shortly and the State Pharmaceutical Corporation (SPC) has ordered the required stock of "Stents"needed for next year as well the Ministry has stated.

After the discussions held between Cardiologists attached to the Government Hospitals and the Health Minister Dr.Rajitha Senaratne the Minister has instructed the Health Ministry officials to provide "Stents" free of charge for every coronary heart patient registered in govetnment hospital who needs a one.

Health Ministry had spent over Rs.37 milion to import the first stock of "Stents" to Sri Lanka with one costing around Rs.75,000 it has been reported.The money spent to import these  "Stents" is saved through abolishing several corrupt tender deals in the  Health Sector the Minister has stated.


Four Rehabilitated Former LTTE Rebels Have Been Handed Over To Their Families

Four former LTTE Rebels who had been rehabilitated at the Rehabilitation Center in Poonthottam in Vavuniya (Northern Province) have been handed over to their families recently.

Another 15 former LTTE Rebels are being rehabilitated in Rehabilitation Center at Poonthottam it has been reported.

Navy Had Arrested Two Local Fishermen Engaged In Illegal Fishing

Sri Lanka Navy Personal had today (29)arrested two local fishermen who were engaged in illegal fishing by using banned nets  in the seas off Sampur Area(Eastern Province) it has been reported.

Along with the suspected local fishermen Navy Personal had taken into custody few banned fishing nets and a Dinghi Boat used for fishing.

The arrested fishermen and the equipment were handed over to the fisheries inspectors in Muththur Area for further investigations according 

Cabinet Has Approved A Proposal To Impose A 15% Value Added Tax On Cigarettes Plus Increasing The Production Tax On All Types Of Cigarettes

The Cabinet has few hours ago approved a proposal to impose a 15% Value Added Tax (VAT) on Cigarettes and to increase the Production Tax imposed on   Cigarettes and other local Cigarette  Products by Rs.5 the Government Information Department has announced.

Cabinet has  also approved a proposal  to increase the Import Ses Tax imposed on imported "Beedi" leaves  by Rs.1000 per Kilo Gramme from Rs.2000 to Rs.3000.

Also approval has been given by the Cabinet members to the authorities to take alternative steps to minimize the tobacco use in the country Information Department has stated.

Cabinet has made these decisions after considering the Joint Proposal submitted by President Maithripala Sirisena and Health Minister Dr.Rajitha Senaratne  to increase the Tax imposed on Cigarettes to 90% from 72%.


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