The Anuradhapura Police have detained ten persons including eight females who had stolen money wallets and mobile phones belonging to the devotees who participated in the Annual festival of offering jasmine flowers (pichcha mal pooja) to Historical Jayasirimahabodhiya in Anuradhapura.
The police have recovered twelve money wallets,six mobile phones ,few identity cards and money around Rs.12,000 in the possession of the suspects according to sources.
The suspects who are residents in Grandpass-Colombo,Chillaw,Puttalam,Kurunagala and Matale areas are due to be produced before Anuradhapura Magistrate Court.
The police have recovered twelve money wallets,six mobile phones ,few identity cards and money around Rs.12,000 in the possession of the suspects according to sources.
The suspects who are residents in Grandpass-Colombo,Chillaw,Puttalam,Kurunagala and Matale areas are due to be produced before Anuradhapura Magistrate Court.