The former Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapakshe was detained by Police Financial Crimes Investigations Division(FCID) this morning over the charges of misappropriation of "Divi Naguma" Department Funds during previous government.
He was detained by the FCID after recording A statement from him regarding the charges.
The former Minister Rajapakshe who is the younger brother of former president Mahinda Rajapakshe was detained over the same charges along with two other officials on 22nd of April 2015 .
He is due to be produced before the Colombo Magistrate Court this evening.
He was detained by the FCID after recording A statement from him regarding the charges.
The former Minister Rajapakshe who is the younger brother of former president Mahinda Rajapakshe was detained over the same charges along with two other officials on 22nd of April 2015 .
He is due to be produced before the Colombo Magistrate Court this evening.