Karuwalagaswewa Police have detained an Army Soldier for drunken and disorderly behaviour at karuwalagaswewa area(North Western Province) last night.
The arrest was made following a complaint made to the police emergancy unit hotline by the residents of 10th mile post in karuwalagaswewa area.
The soldier who attached to the Army Camp in point pedro was proved as drunken after he underwent a medical test carried out by the Judicial Medical Officer in puttalam district hospital.
The suspect is due to be produced before puttalam district court and karuwalagaswewa police are conducting an investigation on the incident.
The arrest was made following a complaint made to the police emergancy unit hotline by the residents of 10th mile post in karuwalagaswewa area.
The soldier who attached to the Army Camp in point pedro was proved as drunken after he underwent a medical test carried out by the Judicial Medical Officer in puttalam district hospital.
The suspect is due to be produced before puttalam district court and karuwalagaswewa police are conducting an investigation on the incident.