Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Auditor General's Report On Central Bank's Bond Scam Handed Over To Parliamentary Speaker

The auditor general's report on bond scam occurred in central bank had handed over to . the parliamentary speaker ksru Jayasuriya today(29)

The report was intialy handed over to the committee of public enterprises(cope).According to the chairman of cope JVP mp sunil handinetti the report containes  1251 pages.

The central bank governor Arjuna Mahendran has been charged as involved in a bond scam occurred in central bankll

UNIADS Country Office In Colombo To Be Closed Down With Effect From Tomorrow(30)

Image result for unaids office colomboThe Sri Lankan Country Office of the Joint United Nations Programme  On HIV/AIDS(UNAIDS) will be closing it's office with effect from tomorrow(30) as per the directives of UNAIDS headquarter in Geneva,Switzerland the Country Manager of Sri Lanka's UNAIDS Office Dr.Dayanath Ranathunge has announced today(29).

Accordingly all operations  and programmes related to HIV/AIDS implemented by UNAIDS Office in Colombo will be ended from tomorrow and all the measures in relation to  HIV/AIDS will be managed through relevant national stakeholders Dr.Rantahunge has further stated.

The UNAIDS Office in Colombo will be closed due to a lack of funds received to carrying out it's operations and programmes it has been reported.

Small Note-Would like to pay tribute to the outgoing UNAIDS Country Manager in Sri Lanka Dr.Dayanath Ranathunge and His Officers for all the support they have given to the Sri Lankan Media Personal over the past year regarding providing information related to HIV/AIDS and acting as a facilitator  during  conducting  interviews with HIV Positives.

Cabinet Decided To Extend The Term Of Anti Corruption Committee Secretariet

Image result for cabinet sri lanka logoThe Cabinet has decided to extend the term of Anti Corruption Committee  Secretariat according to the government.

The Anti Corruption Committee Secretariat  was established by Cabinet in 2015 to receive and facilitate complaints on serious fraud and corruption.

The proposal on continuing the operations of Anti Corruption Committee Secretariat until a new institutional structure is introduced was submitted to the Cabinet by Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe which approved by the Cabinet.


Sri Lankan Security Forces Released Around 700 Acres Of Land And Kankasanthurai Railway Station To Their Owners

Image result for land in northern provinceSri Lankan security forces have released around 700 acres of land  and kankasanthurai railway station in Northern Province kept by them for years to their owners according to the sources.

Accordingly 500 acres of land belonging to preiya pachchilapalli are in Kilinochchi ,200 acres of land belonging to Telippalai divisional secretariat in Jaffna District and  Kankasanthurai Railway Station were released to their owners by the forces.