Friday, May 6, 2016

A 4 Hour Power Failure Occurred At Galle-Mapalagama Main Road Due To A Transformer Fire

A 4 hour power failure had occurred today (07)in surrounding area of Karapitiya Hospital - Galle(In Southern Province) due to a fire erupted in a Transformer on Galle-Mapalagama Main Road.

The workers attached to Ceylon Electricity Private Company had managed to douse the fire and restored the power supply  to the area it has been reported,


National Police Commission Has Promoted 59 ASP'S To SP Posts

Image result for sri lanka policeThe National Police Commission has promoted 59 Assistant Superintendents of Police (ASP) Superintendents of Police (SP) with effect from last Thursday(05).

Among those promoted there were two female ASP's  it has been reported.

Meanwhile The Police Commission is due to be promoted another three ASP's to the SP Posts after the inquiries conducting against them are concluded.

Sri Lanka Railways To Transport Coal And Goods Through Trains

Image result for sri lanka trainsIn view of increasing the income the Sri Lanka Railways Department has decided to transport coal and goods through trains.

Around ten private companies have already agreed to transport their goods through trains and one company had signed an agreement with Sri Lanka Railways Department to transport coal from china bay port in trincomalee to palavi with effect from today(07) the department has announced.

Through this programme the department is expected to avoid environment pollution on roads,minimize the traffic on roads due to tipper trucks and to minimize road accidents it has been reported.
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Air Port Customs Officers Detained A Korean National With Foreign Currency Notes Worth Rs.4.4 milliom

Image result for katunayake airportThe  Air Port Customs Officers have today(06) detained a Korean National who attempted to smuggle foreign currencies worth Rs.4.4 million out of the country at  Katunayaka Bandaranaika International Air Port.

The 45 year old Korean Suspect is found as engaged in Business Activities in Sri Lanka .An investigations have revealed that the suspect had went abroad four times during last month and involved in smuggling foreign currencies out of the country.

The Air Port Customs had fined Rs. 18 million from the Korean Suspect and confiscated the foreign currency notes  in  possession of him it has been reported.