Sunday, April 10, 2016


A Group Of Residents Had Staged A Protest Campaign Against Sampur Power Plant

A group of residents in Trincomalee District yesterday(10) had staged  a protest campaign at Navaladi Roundabout against building of proposed Sampur Coal Power Plant in view of  protecting  environment in the area.

Around 80 residents were participated  in the protest campaign according to  sources.


Department Of Prisons To Allow Relatives Of Prisoners To Bring Meals From Houses During 13th And 14th o f April

The Department Of Prisons has decided to allow prisoners in all Prisons Island Wide to get meals from their houses during  Sinhala and Hindu New Year Festival Holidays  13th and 14th of April .

Accordingly the relatives can bring meals for prisoners from their houses from 8.30 A.M to 4.30 P.M on 13th and 14th of April the Department has announced.

However the Prisons Department has decided to inspect the food items the relatives of prisons brought back  to prisoners during the festive days it has been reported.


Police Have Arrested Two Persons With Illegal Stock Of White Sandalwood At Grandpass

The Police have today(10) arrested two persons while illegally  transporting  450 Kilo Grammes of  chopped expensive White Sandalwood at Grandpass Area(In Colombo).

The two suspects were transporting the stock of chopped White Sandalwood through a lorry when arrests were made according to Police.

The two suspects who are residents of Negambo and Kottawa Areas due to be produced before Maligakanda Magistrate Court.

Extreme Weather Battered Many Parts Of The Island

 Extreme weather associated With. Heavy showers and strong winds battered many parts of  the island since last night Causing floods and land...