Friday, March 25, 2016


A Teacher Was Arrested At Gampola Over Sexually Molesting A School Girl

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A Teacher attached to a School in Gampola (In Central Province) was arrested by the  Gampola Police Station Officers in suspicion of sexually molesting a School Girl of the  same school.

The 52 year old Teacher was arrested according to a complaint lodged by the father of the girl at Gampola Police by stating the suspected Teacher  has sexually molested his Ten Year Old daughter.

Sri Lanka Customs Officers Have Arrested An Indian National With Rs.7.5 Million Foreign Currency

Sri Lanka Customs Officers have today(25) arrested an Indian National with undeclared Foreign Currency worth around Rs.7.5 Million in his possession.
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The 44 year old suspected Indian National was arrested while he prepared to board a Qatar Air Ways flight which bound for   Sarjah.

Air Port Customs are conducting an investigations on the incident.


Thursday, March 24, 2016


Due To The 112 Maternal Deaths Occurred In Sri Lanka On 2014 Their Families Have Faced Difficulties.

Due to the 112 Maternal Deaths occurred in Sri Lanka in 2014 ,188 Children have lost their mothers and 101 Husbands lost their Wives according to the Consultant Community Physician attached to Family Health Bureau Dr.Kapila Jayaratne.

However the number of maternal deaths occurred in Sri Lanka in the year 2014 is the lowest in South Asia he has stressed.

According to a Special Survey carried out by Consultant Doctors in Sri Lanka covering all the island has revealed that Sri Lanka's Maternal Death Ratio  is 32.03 Maternal Deaths for  100,000 live births Dr.Jayaratne has said.

Around 70 Maternal Deaths out of  the 112 occurred in 2014 are preventable he has further added. 


Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.