The former president Mahinda Rajapakshe has arrived at Colombo High Court this morning with his Attorneys to file a bail application for his imprisoned son Yoshitha Rajapakshe who had been remanded for money laundering charges related to private television channel CSN along with four other persons.
The Bail Application filed by former president Mahinda Rajapakshe today with his Attorneys seeking the release of his son is to be considered on 29th of this month.
The former president Rajapakshe who himself a lawyer has arrived at Colombo High Court by wearing a black coat of lawyers it has been reported.
Yoshitha Rajapakshe and other four suspects have been remanded until 25th of February over money laundering charges.
The Bail Application filed by former president Mahinda Rajapakshe today with his Attorneys seeking the release of his son is to be considered on 29th of this month.
The former president Rajapakshe who himself a lawyer has arrived at Colombo High Court by wearing a black coat of lawyers it has been reported.
Yoshitha Rajapakshe and other four suspects have been remanded until 25th of February over money laundering charges.