The investigation launched by the Criminal Investigation Department(CID) two years ago regarding the alleged large scale Kidney Transplant Racket between Sri Lanka and India has been halted due to the influence of some powerful politicians of previous government and doctors , the President of Health Services Trade Union Alliance Saman Ratnapriya has stated today(25).
If the investigations launched by CID has been concluded at that time and the authorities were able to punish those responsible for alleged kidney racket ,Sri Lankan Doctors involved in the racket may not have to face legal battle with Indian Police at present Ratnapriya has said.
While addressing a Press Briefing held at The office of Health Services Trade Union Alliance at Punchi Borella today(25) Ratnapriya has said without the approval of Director General Of Health Services, Major Private hospitals in Colombo will not be able to performed the alleged illegal Kidney Transplant Surgeries .He has also urged the health authorities to investigate on the Kidney Racket in transparent manner and punish the culprits irrespective of their status.
If the investigations launched by CID has been concluded at that time and the authorities were able to punish those responsible for alleged kidney racket ,Sri Lankan Doctors involved in the racket may not have to face legal battle with Indian Police at present Ratnapriya has said.
While addressing a Press Briefing held at The office of Health Services Trade Union Alliance at Punchi Borella today(25) Ratnapriya has said without the approval of Director General Of Health Services, Major Private hospitals in Colombo will not be able to performed the alleged illegal Kidney Transplant Surgeries .He has also urged the health authorities to investigate on the Kidney Racket in transparent manner and punish the culprits irrespective of their status.