The Ministry Of Health ,Nutrition And Indigenous Medicine is considering a proposal to open State Owned Pharmacies(Rajaye Osu Sal) 24 hours a day according to the Ministry Sources.At the moment the Osu Sala's are only open daily until 10 p.m.
The number of State Owned Pharmacy Outlets situated throughout the country is also due to be increased by this year from 31 to 50 outlets The Ministry has said.
There is a possibility of achieving these targets as the State Pharmaceutical Corporation which administrating State Owned Pharmacies has earned a record able revenue of Rs.482 million during last year the Ministry has said.
The number of State Owned Pharmacy Outlets situated throughout the country is also due to be increased by this year from 31 to 50 outlets The Ministry has said.
There is a possibility of achieving these targets as the State Pharmaceutical Corporation which administrating State Owned Pharmacies has earned a record able revenue of Rs.482 million during last year the Ministry has said.