The former Officer In Charge(OIC) of the Narahenpita Police Station(In Colombo) M.G.U.D Gunathilake who has been transferred recently to Ampara Police Headquarters for normal duty has been arrested today(04) by the Bribery Commission Officials over accepting Rs.2.5 Million as a bribe.
The OIC of the Crimes Division in Narahenpita Police has been arrested on 27 of November for the same bribery case.
The Crimes Division OIC has been arrested by Bribery Commission Officials while accepting a Bribe of Rs.2.5 million from a Doctor .
The OIC of the Crimes Division in Narahenpita Police has been arrested on 27 of November for the same bribery case.
The Crimes Division OIC has been arrested by Bribery Commission Officials while accepting a Bribe of Rs.2.5 million from a Doctor .