Thursday, December 3, 2015


Cabinet Has Approved The Right To Information Bill

Image result for right to information actThe Cabinet has yesterday(02) approved the Right To Information Bill according to Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe.

Right To Information Bill is  an act provide for Right To Information .However Specify the ground especially the Way of accessing  may be denied it has been reported.

Prime Minister Wikramasinghe has informed the Parliament today (03) regarding the  Cabinet approval for  Right To  Information Bill.

Government To Issue Concessionary Vehicle Permits To Government Sector Officials For Once In Every Ten Years

Image result for prime minister ranil wickramasinghePrime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe has informed the Parliament today(03) Government has decided to issue concessionary Vehicle Permits for Government Sector Officials once in every 10 years .

Under the new decision the maximum vehicle permits one person can receive will  be restricted to two permits according to the Prime Minister.

Earlier the concessionary Vehicle Permits for Government Sector Officials and Duty Free Vehicle Permits for MP'S have been issued once in every five years and through the 2016 Budget Proposals it has been abolished completely in view of saving Rs.40 billion annually .

However as Some MP'S as well as government sector executive grade officers including Doctors and Engineers are opposing the decision of abolishing Concessionary Vehicle Permits government has decided to issue the permits under a different scheme.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Fourteen Executive Grade Professions Including Doctors And Engineers Are Due To Launch An One Day Token Strike Today(03)

Around 17 Trade Unions representing 14 Professions of  the Government Executive Grade including Government Doctors,Dental Doctors,Ayurvedic Doctors,Administrative Officers,Accountants,Auditors ,Veterinary Doctors and Engineers are due to launch an Island Wide one day token strike today(03) from 8 a.m in the morning  by demanding to reintroduce  the privileges lost by them through the Budget. 

According to the Joint Council Of Island Wide Executive Grade Officers comprising with  seventeen trade unions  the said professions are due to launch the token strike tomorrow by demanding to grant the Duty Free Car Permits abolished through the Budget and reintroduce the pension scheme prevails for government servants which suggested to be changed through the Budget.


Sri Lanka To Become A High Income Country By The Year 2030- Prime Minister Wikramasinghe

Image result for ranil wickremesingheIn view of Sri Lanka becoming a High Income country by the year 2030 the country should be achieved the impossible task of 9% growth rate Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe has said today(02).

Speaking at a ceremony held today(02) in Colombo to  mark the 30th anniversary of the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) Prime Minister has said whatever happens government should ensure there will 6.5% economic growth rate for next year .

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.