Sunday, November 22, 2015

Government To Remove Names Of Eight Tamil Groups From The List Of Banned Terrorist Organizations

Image result for decision in wordsImage result for decision in wordsThe Government has announced it had removed the names of eight foreign based Tamil  Groups from the List Of banned terrorist Organizations with effect from 20th November  as a part of a reconciliation efforts with Tamil Community in Sri Lanka.

However Eight Terrorist Organizations including LTTE (Liberation Tigers Of Tamil Ealam) which was crushed by Sri Lankan Army in 2009 after getting involved in three decades of War in Sri Lanka will  remained in the list as  Banned Terrorist Organizations the  Government has said.

The names of the Tamil Groups   that have been removed from the list of Banned Terrorist Organizations are Global Tamil Forum,Canadian Tamil Congress,British Tamil Forum,Canadian  Tamil National Council,Tamil National Council ,Tamil Youth Organization ,Australian Tamil Congress and Global Tamil Coordination Committee

The previous government has declared Sixteen Tamil Organizations including LTTE as Banned Terrorist Organizations on March 2014.

The Ministry Of Defense from a Special Gazette Notification has announced the ban imposed on Tamil Ealam Liberation Organization,Tamil Rehabilitation Organization,Tamil Coordinating Committee,Global Tamil Organization,Tamil Ealam State Beyond Boundaries,Tamil Ealam Peoples Summit,Global Tamil Welfare Fund and Headquarter Office have been  further extended.

Government has also lifted the ban imposed on 269 persons in 2014 over involving  in Terrorist Activities .A Total number of 424 persons have been banned in Sri Lanka for involving in Terrorist Activities it has been stated.

Saturday, November 21, 2015


US Permanent Representative To The UN Samantha Power Arrived Sri Lanka For A Visit

The United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations Samantha Power has arrived Sri Lanka today(21) for an official visit.

She is due to hold talks with the  President,Prime Minister and other higher officials of the Sri Lankan Government during the visit.


Sri Lankan Woman Arrested At Air Port With Foreign Currency Worth Over Rs.28 Million In Her Possession

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A Sri Lankan Woman has been arrested this morning At Katunayake ,Bandaranaike International Air Port while attempting to leave the country with foreign currency worth over Rs.28 Million in her possession.

Sri Lanka Customs Officers have arrested the 50 year old woman who is a resident in Kaduwela(In Colombo) at the Departure Terminal while attempting to board a Bangkok Bound Flight early this morning according to Customs Department.

During the search Customs Officers have found foreign currency notes Including US Dollars,Euros,Swiss Francs and Saudi Riyals inside her luggage.


4 La Belle Aux Fleurs girl Emile Vernon classical flowers

Sri Lankan Government Has Appealed Before The Court In Saudi Arabia Requesting To Reduce Stone To Death Punishment Sentenced To A Sri Lankan Maid

Sri Lankan Government has appealed before the Riyadh Court in Saudi Arabia requesting to reduce the Stoning
 to Death punishment sentenced to a Sri Lankan Mother worked there as a House Maid over adultery.

The Sri Lankan Maid who is a resident of Colombo sentenced to stoning to death after found guilty for having an ex affair with a Sri Lankan Man working in Saudi Arabia who is a bachelor.

According to Sharia Law a Saudi Court has sentenced the Man with 100 lashes it has been reported.

According to the Ministry Of Foreign Employment .the Minister Thalatha Atukorale has filed an appeal before Riyadh Court to reduce the punishment of the Sri Lankan Maid as it's not possible to request from Saudi Government to lift the sentence because of the maid has pleaded guilty already .

The Ministry has already made payments for the lawyers who hired behalf of the Sentenced Maid through the Sri Lankan Embassy in Saudi Arabia it has been reported.