The Bingiriya(In North Western Province) Police have arrested four persons belonging to a group which was engaged in printing and distributing fake Rs.5000 Notes with 16 Fake Rs.5000 Notes in their possession .
The Police have said these suspects had printed Rs.700,000 worth fake notes under three series and distributed to few places around.
Police have taken in to custody the Printing Machine and a Laptop Computer which said to be used to print these fake Rs.5000 Currency Notes in a possession of one of the suspects that arrested.
The suspects have told the Police they have distributed the fake currency notes printed by them to Bingiriya and Hettipola Areas.The Police Intelligence Service too has received information that fake currency notes have been circulated in Bingiriya And Hettipola Areas during last few days.
The arrested fake notes even having the sign which printed in real currency notes in benefit of blind people to identify the notes it has been revealed,
The Four suspects arrested with fake currency notes are due to be produced before Hettipola District Court.
The Police have said these suspects had printed Rs.700,000 worth fake notes under three series and distributed to few places around.
Police have taken in to custody the Printing Machine and a Laptop Computer which said to be used to print these fake Rs.5000 Currency Notes in a possession of one of the suspects that arrested.
The suspects have told the Police they have distributed the fake currency notes printed by them to Bingiriya and Hettipola Areas.The Police Intelligence Service too has received information that fake currency notes have been circulated in Bingiriya And Hettipola Areas during last few days.
The arrested fake notes even having the sign which printed in real currency notes in benefit of blind people to identify the notes it has been revealed,
The Four suspects arrested with fake currency notes are due to be produced before Hettipola District Court.