The former Chief Minister Of Eastern Province and Ex LTTE Cadre Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan alias Pillayan has been arrested by Criminal Investigation Department CID this evening regarding the Murder of former Tamil National Alliance MP Joseph Pararajasingham who was shot dead on Christmas Eve in 2005.
Earlier CID Officers had visited the residence of former chief minister Pillayan yesterday(10)night to record a statement from him regarding the murder of former MP Pararajasingham.However at that time he was not at home and he was notified by the CID to appear before CID Headquarters at 5 p.m this evening.
After the arrival of former chief minister of Eastern Province to CID Headquarters he has been arrested.
Former Tamil National Alliance MP Pararajasingham was shot dead by an unidentified gunmen at Saint Mary's Church in Batticloe.
Earlier CID Officers had visited the residence of former chief minister Pillayan yesterday(10)night to record a statement from him regarding the murder of former MP Pararajasingham.However at that time he was not at home and he was notified by the CID to appear before CID Headquarters at 5 p.m this evening.
After the arrival of former chief minister of Eastern Province to CID Headquarters he has been arrested.
Former Tamil National Alliance MP Pararajasingham was shot dead by an unidentified gunmen at Saint Mary's Church in Batticloe.