Wednesday, September 30, 2015

New Reforms To Be Introduced To Increase Female Representation In Local Politics-Prime Minister Wikramasinghe

New Reforms are to be introduced to increase the number of members in  local government bodies including provincial councils and allocate 25% for female representatives before forthcoming local  government election scheduled be held on next March according to Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe.

Due to the low percentage of female representation in local government bodies,government is currently discussing the ways of increasing female representation in local government bodies Prime Minister has stated.
"Although 51% of the country's population is females .Not even  dozen females are there in the Parliament .Government is currently working towards increasing the female representation in local politics "Prime Minister has further said.

Prime Minister has revealed this while addressing a function held at Elections Department today(30).

Colombo High Court Has Sentenced Two LTTE Suspects Of Town Hall Blast In 1999, 290 And 300 Year Rigorous Imprisonment

court order க்கான பட à®®ுடிவுThe Colombo High Court has today(30) sentenced the two main LTTE Suspects V.Vradaraja and C.I Ragupathy who found guilty for the Town Hall Suicidal Bomb Blast occurred in 1999 ,a rigorous imprisonment of 290 and 300 years respectively to be served in 30 years .

The Suicidal Bomb Blast occurred in 1999 at an election rally held in Town Hall killed 22 persons including two camera assistants attach to electronic media and injured many including former president Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunge who lost the sight of  one of her  eyes due to the blast.

However the third suspect Wasanthi Ragupathy  has been released due to lack of evidence against her .The Attorney General had acquitted 190 charges against the main suspects.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Around 2500 Breast Cancer Patients Are Being Identified Annually In Sri Lanka And 800 Of Them Die-Dr.Mahipala

Around 2500 Breast Cancer Patients are being identified annually from Sri Lanka and 800 of them die due to the identification of the disease at later stage according to Director General Of Health Services Dr.Palitha Mahipala.

The majority of the Breast Cancer Patients identified from Sri Lanka are elderly females and the disease amongst the younger females here are also on the increase Dr.Mahipala has stressed.

Even the Breast Cancer amongst males too are on the increase and due to this fact males too should be on alert on the disease Local Oncologists have stated.

In the globe around 1.8 million Breast Cancer Patients are being identified annually according to the statistics.

If there is a a suspicious symptom/symptoms related to Breast Cancer the patient should seek medical advise without any delay Oncologists have said."People can visit one of the  324 "Suwa Nari" clinics Which providing testing facilities of breast cancer free of charge ,functioned at MOH(Medical Officer On Health) Offices throughout the island every Saturday" and check their status of the disease they have said.


Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe To Visit Japan This Weekend.

ranil wickramasinghe க்கான பட à®®ுடிவு
Prime Minster Ranil Wikramsinghe is due to leave Japan this weekend for an official visit.This tour is the second foreign tour of Prime Minister Wickramsinghas since he assumed his duties  as the  prime minister last month.

He has also toured India recently.


Sri Lankan President To Address UN General Assembly Tomorrow(30)

President Maithripala Sirisene is due to address the 70th Session of United Nations General Assembly currently underway in New York ,United States Of America tomorrow(30).

The Sri Lankan President has met several world leaders during last few days including US President Barrack Obama and held discussions on bi lateral issues.