The Presidential Commission Of Inquiry has recorded a statement from fromer president Mahinda Rajapaksha this morning regarding Rs.200 Million loss reported from a State Media Institution due to broadcast advertisements of former president rjapaksha without payments and not broadcasting President Maithripala Sirisena's paid advertisements during the Presidential Election period .
Although the former president was informed to be present at Presidential Commission Of Inquiry today to record the statement ,the commission officers have visited former president at his residance in Mirihana (In Colombo) to get the statement.
The Commision has investigating a case received regarding the Rs.200 Million Loss incurred by a state media institution due to broadcasting former president's non paid advertisments while rejecting to broadcast president sisrisena's paid advertisements during the election.
Although the former president was informed to be present at Presidential Commission Of Inquiry today to record the statement ,the commission officers have visited former president at his residance in Mirihana (In Colombo) to get the statement.
The Commision has investigating a case received regarding the Rs.200 Million Loss incurred by a state media institution due to broadcasting former president's non paid advertisments while rejecting to broadcast president sisrisena's paid advertisements during the election.