Thursday, March 26, 2015


A Mother And Her Two Daughters Have Died After Drowned In Kalu Ganga(River)

Kalu Ganga(River)
A mother and her two daughters aged 11 and 16 were drowned  this evening while bathing at Kalu Ganga(River) in Kalutara District (In Western province) according to the Police.The three were later rescued by the residents and rushed to the Horana Hospital, but they were pronounced as dead upon admission to the hospital.

Galle Magistrate Ordered CID To Investigate The Bank Accounts Of Former Defense Secretary

Galle Magistrate has today (26)ordered the Criminal Investigations Department(CID) to investigate the bank accounts belongs to the former Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakshe and the directors of Avant Guarde Security Service  regarding the floating armory case.

Earlier the Colombo Magistrate Court has temporarily  impounded the passport of   Avent Guarde Security Services Chairman Major Nissanke Senadipathi over the floating armory found at Galle Harbor on last January.The Police have detained a ship carrying 12 container loads of armory at Galle Harbor on 18th of January.

The former Defense Secretary has denied any wrong doing in the floating armory case.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Around 100,000 Kilos Of Samolina Which Were Not Suitable For Consumption Found At A Store

The Officers of the Consumer Affairs Authority  have today(25) raided a Food Store In Kotahena Area (In Colombo Suburbs) and taken in to custody around 100,000 Kilos of Samolina prepared to be sold for consumers although they  were not suitable for human consumption .

The said stock of Samolina is  worth around Rs.8.5 million according to the Consumer Affairs Authority.The Officers of the Authority are planning to  take legal action against the store owner.

All Nurses Attach To Three Government Hospitals In Colombo To Launch A One Day Token Strike Tomorrow(26)

The Nursing Staff attach to the Colombo National Hospital,Eye Hospital and the Dental Institute have decided to launch a one day token strike tomorrow (26) by demanding solutions for two of their service demands according to the Sri Lanka's largest Nurses Trade Union, Public Services Nurses Union (PSNU).

Nursing Staff attach to the said three hospitals are schedule to launch their strike from 8 a.m tomorrow to 7 a.m on Friday the 27th of March Nurses Union has said.All the emergency services in these hospitals will be maintained as usual during the strike period PSNU has revealed.

If the authorities are not willing to give solutions for their demands further Government Hospital Nurses will launch an Island Wide Continuous Strike Action from 04th of April a spokesman of the PSNU has said.

PSNU is demanding the Health Ministry to grant a Professional Allowance of Rs.25,000 to all nurses and to implement the Circular issued by the Finance Ministry regarding paying of Overtime,Accidental and inventory allowances for nurses .The talks held between the Health Ministry Officials and the PSNU Members regarding these demands during the last two months have ended without any conclusion PSNU has stressed.



,, ආදරය යනු හැඟීමකි .   එය එකිනෙකා මත ඇති බැදීම මත හෝ ආකර්ෂණය මත රඳා පවතී          ආදරය යනු අනේකාගේ සතුට වෙනුවෙන් කරන    පරිත්‍යාගය කි.(Uput...