Monday, August 4, 2014

Chief Of The Excise Department's Special Investigations Unit Was Arrested Whilst Taking A Bribe Of Rs.50,000

The Officers of The Commission to Investigate Allegations of  Bribery Or Corruption had arrested the Officer in Charge of the Excise Department's Special Investigations Unit Rosman Fernando this afternoon for allegedly accepting a bribe of Rs.50,000 from A  Illicit Liquor Trader .

According to the Commission,The Special Investigations Unit Chief Fernando had requested a sum of Rs.500,000 bribe from a illicit liquor trader in the western province to avoid taking  a legal action against him and had previously  taken Rs.450,000 out of that money.

 The Special Investigations Unit Chief was arrested today  by the bribery officials when he was accepting the  Rs.50,000 balance money out  of  that Rs.500,000  bribe  at a canteen attach to  the Private Telecommunication Company   in Colombo.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Large Stocks Of Rice And Grains Stored In An Unhygienic Way In Food Stores Have Been Detained

A large stock of Rice Varieties,Dhal and Brown Sugar stored in an unhygienic way at the  Government owned CWE(Corporative Wholesale Establishment) Distribution Stores in Welisara  in Colombo have been detained by the Public Health Inspectors today (02)according to the Sri Lanka Public Health Inspectors Association.

Among the stocks that detained were 35,000 Kilo Grammes of Basmathi Rice,30,000 Kilo Grammes of Keeri Samba Rice,100,840 Kilo Grammes of Nadu Rice,7905 Kilo Grammes of Dhal.and 24,970 Kilo Grammes of Brown sugar the Association has said.

In another development Public Health Inspectors were raided 52 Food Stores in Gampaha District(Western Province) yesterday (01) and filed court cases against 34 Food Stores for maintaining them in  unhygienic way.Out of these 34 Food Stores 24 are government owned CWE Stores Public Health Inspectors Association has said.

Refugees And Asylum Seekers In Sri Lanka Have Increased By 700% Within A Year

There's a 700% increase of  Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Sri Lanka between  the period  2013-2014 the Ministry of External Affairs has announced today.As at 30th June 2014 a total number of 1870 Refugees and Asylum Seekers are there in the country accordng to the ministry.Out of this number 368 are  Refugees and 1562 are Asylum Seekers .Among them there are a large number of individual asylum seekers of Pakistani Origin it has been identified.

The large number of  People who are illegally migrating to Sri Lanka through illegal human trafficking networks is identified as the main reason behind the increasing number  of Asylum Seekers here the Ministry has revealed.

Due to this Illegal migration of asylum seekers to Sri Lanka a serious health issues like spreading of Malaria have cropped up in the country the authorities have  said.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Thunder Showers Are Expected In Drought Hit Northern And Eastern Provinces

The Meteorological Department has announced today (01)that thunder showers will be expected in drought hit Northern and Eastern parts of the country mostly during afternoons in coming days.The monsoonal showers will be occurred in South West,Western,Sabaragamuwa ,North Western and Central Provinces Met Department has said.

As winds exceeding  the speed of 60 kilo meters per hour will be assisted with the thundershowers in Central Hill areas  ,people living in .there are advised to be taken precautionary measures to minimize the damages caused by lightning.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Nearly 22,000 Kilo Grammes Of Spoiled Big Anions,Potatoes And Wheat Flour Had Recovered

Nearly 22,000 Kilo Grammes of Spoiled Big Anions,Patatoes and Wheet Flour which are not suitable for human consumption have been recovered from stores in 4th cross street in Colombo Fort and Hatton-Dikoya Area   by the  authorities today(31).

Around  15,000 Kilo Grammes of spoiled wheat flour,5000 kilo grammes of big anions and 2000 Kilo Grammes of Potatoes were taken in to custody at the stores in 4th cross street ,Fort  and hatton-dikoya  the authorities have confirmed.The stores were sealed and the spoiled  food items were taken into custody and produced before the  district courts in Colombo and Hatton-Dikoya.

The recovered stocks of spoiled food  were worth more than Rs. 170,000,00 it has been revealed.

Meanwhile after producing before the district court in hatton  the accused who is charged for storing expired stock of wheat flour in stores had been released on Rs.750,000 Personal and Rs.25,000 cash bails according to the sources.

Nearly 200 Doctors Including Consultants In National Hospital Decided To Form The Branch Union Of GMOA

A group of nearly 200 Doctors attach to the Colombo National Hospital who met yesterday(30) evening  amidst tight security at the Neuro Surgery Unit Auditorium  have unanimously  decided to form the Colombo National Hospital  branch union of the Government Medical Officers Association(GMOA) during two weeks time it has been revealed. 

The National Hospital branch union of GMOA which has been inactive since last year was dissolved twice this year by the Former GMOA executive committee due to their opposition to the GMOA leaders.

The group of doctors including 45 Consultants who  met after their planned meeting at the National Hospital Doctors Quarters has been abandoned by a group of doctors belongs to the former executive committee of GMOA has also passed a resolution condemning the bad behavior shown by the former exco members of GMOA to the consultants.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More Photos Of Physical Attacks Exchanged Between Two Factions Of Doctors

The other Photos of the Physical Attacks exchanged between two factions of doctors at the Colombo National Hospital are here.A large number of Police Officers were deployed at the Colombo National Hospital to prevent further violent clashes between the two factions.