As there's a possible threat of re entering Dycyanamide (DCD) contained Milk Powder to the local market ,the Government Nursing Officers Association has today requested the Health Ministry and the Consumer Affairs Authority to conduct a full inquiry to see whether DCD contained Milk Powder are available in the market at present.
The President Of the Nursing Officers Association Saman Ratnapriya has said that according to the statement made by Industrial Development Minister Champika Ranawake few days back, the Ice Cream distributed among devotees through the Poson Alms Giving Centers(Dansala's) in island wide last month were made from DCD Contained Milk Powder and it proves that the DCD Contained Milk Powder has re entered to the local market,
Even Industrial Technology Institute(ITI) has confirmed through the tests carried out on the Ice Cream Samples collected from Alms Giving Center that those Ice Creams contained DCD he has stressed.although the Health Ministry has said that the detained stock of DCD contained Milk Powder removed from the market last year had destroyed it either re entered the market else the stock has secretly transported to the Food Manufacturing Companies to make Milk Foods Ratnapriya has said.
The President Of the Nursing Officers Association Saman Ratnapriya has said that according to the statement made by Industrial Development Minister Champika Ranawake few days back, the Ice Cream distributed among devotees through the Poson Alms Giving Centers(Dansala's) in island wide last month were made from DCD Contained Milk Powder and it proves that the DCD Contained Milk Powder has re entered to the local market,
Even Industrial Technology Institute(ITI) has confirmed through the tests carried out on the Ice Cream Samples collected from Alms Giving Center that those Ice Creams contained DCD he has stressed.although the Health Ministry has said that the detained stock of DCD contained Milk Powder removed from the market last year had destroyed it either re entered the market else the stock has secretly transported to the Food Manufacturing Companies to make Milk Foods Ratnapriya has said.