The Health Secretary Dr.Nihal Jayathilake has ordered the Director of National Drug Authority Dr.Hemantha Beneragama to Repay Rs.2 million from 60 installments which he has earned as the Consultant's Salary fraudulently for 15 years whilst being a non consultant.from 1997 to 2012 Dr.Beneragama has fraudulently earned Rs.3 million by taking consultant's salary it has been revealed.however health ministry secretary has ordered Dr.Benearagama to repay
Rs.2 million which is Rs.1 million shorter than the money he had drawn fraudulently.
The Health Ministry has taken steps to deduct this amount from his salary according to ministry sources.
Rs.2 million which is Rs.1 million shorter than the money he had drawn fraudulently.
The Health Ministry has taken steps to deduct this amount from his salary according to ministry sources.