The government has only allocated around Rs.482 per person monthly as their health expenditure for next year which is not a sufficient amount to deliver a quality health care service through government hospitals according to the Secretary of of All Ceylon Medical Officers Association Dr.Jayantha Bandara .
"To deliver a good quality health care service under the free health care system in the country government should have increased this monthly health expenditure per person by few folds" he has from this years budget only allocated a sum of Rs.117 billion for the health sector expenditure for 2014 a Rs.8 billion short from this years expenditure, authorities should at least try to allocate 5% of the estimated gross domestic product (GDP) of next year Rs.9985 Billion for the
health sector "Dr.Bandara has further said.
"To deliver a good quality health care service under the free health care system in the country government should have increased this monthly health expenditure per person by few folds" he has from this years budget only allocated a sum of Rs.117 billion for the health sector expenditure for 2014 a Rs.8 billion short from this years expenditure, authorities should at least try to allocate 5% of the estimated gross domestic product (GDP) of next year Rs.9985 Billion for the
health sector "Dr.Bandara has further said.