Thursday, November 29, 2012

A 4 Member Sri Lankan Family Needs Rs.45,426 As Monthly Expenditure

The chairman of National Trade Union Center Mr.Lal Kantha has said that the monthly expenditure of a 4 member Sri Lankan family  stands as Rs.45,426.50 since last August while government workers are only entitled  a Rs.1500 allowance increment through this years  budget proposals.although government workers are said to be entitled to received the Rs.1500 allowance increment from next January a worker who has received a monthly salary of Rs.20,000 and Rs.10,000  will only receive Rs.1000 and Rs.500 allowance increments respectively.

Speeker Rules Out On Authority Of Out Side Entity Over PSC

Parliamentary Speaker Chamal Rajapaksha has stated yesterday (29)that out side entity has no authority over the speaker,parliament or any other committee appointed by him.he has made these remarks following the statement made by minister Nimal Siripala De Silva  that producing a petition  against parliamentary select committee appointed to investigate the  impeachment motion against chief justice Dr.Mrs.Shirani Bandaranaike is a violation of parliamentary privileges.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Government Has Failed To Find A Single Major Accusation Against Chief Justice -Mr.Lal Kantha

The Government has included 14 different accusations in impeachment motion against chief justice Dr.Mrs.Shirani Bandaranaike after failed to find a single major  accusation against her the  president of National Trade Union Center Mr.Lal Kantha has claimed today(28).the aim of this impeachment motion against chief justice is non other then to destroy the freedom of  judiciary Mr.lal Kantha stressed.

According to him the national trade union center is planning to launch public protest campaigns against impeaching chief justice to protect the sovereignty of judiciary which is must in a democratic society.the government parliamentarians who are members of  the  Parliamentary Select Committee which investigating impeachment motion against chief justice should declare their assets first before accusing chief justice to doing so Mr.Kantha has said.

The impeachment Motion it self becomes a failure as majority of the senior government parliamentarians did not signed the motion  he has further added.Mr.Lal Kantha has revealed this while addressing the function on 15th anniversary of All Ceylon Health Services Trade Union held at Public Library Auditorium today (28th).

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Large Scale Fraudulent Deal Occured During Purchasing Of 100 Fogging Machines

A large scale fraudulent deal had occurred when purchasing of 100 fogging machines for National  Dengue Control programme Health Ministry sources had revealed.Rs.3 million was received by the higher official who was handled this tender deal as the commissions sources added.

The fraudulent tender deal which was entirely handled by a higher official of the National Dengue Control Programme occurred when the authorities handed over the tender of purchasing  said fogging machines to the highest bidder without considering the lowest bidder.

Around 13 bidders were applied for the tender as the lowest bidder has produced a sum of Rs.87,426 per machine.however the tender was offered to the highest bidder for  Rs.148,000 per machine.

Meanwhile few  of  the lowest bidders have  lodged a complaint to the health ministry secretary on this fraudulent tender deal. .

Sri Lanka's First Ever Communication Satellite "Supreme Sat-1" Was Launched Successfully

The first ever Sri Lankan Communication Satellite "Supreme Sat-1" was successfully launched today (27)at 3.43 p.m local time from the Xi-Chang satellite launching center in China according to Supreme Satellite Company - Sri Lanka.the launching of the satellite was earlier scheduled on last Thursday (22) which was later postponed due to the bad weather prevails in China.

The USD 320 million worth satellite co owned by Sri Lankan Company the Supreme Satellite Company is carrying China's long march 3B/E launch vehicle is scheduled to be positioned above Sri Lanka in the Geo Stationary orbit at 87.5 degrees east approximately 36,000 km above the earth surface.

With the launching of this satellite Sri Lanka becomes the 45th country to owned a communication satellite and third South Asian country to launch a satellite after  India and Pakistan.


Monday, November 26, 2012

First Communication Satelitte Of Sri Lanka To Be Launched Tomorrow(27)

Sri Lanka's first ever communication satellite "Supreme Sat -1" which was delayed launching due to bad weather is scheduled to be launched tomorrow(27) at Xi Chang satellite launching center in China.the launching of USD 320 Million worth satellite got delayed for five days since last Thursday due to bad weather experienced in China.

The satellite which was jointly  owned by Supreme Satellite Company in Sri Lanka and Great Wall Corporation in China was due to launched last Thursday evening.

Fire Broke Out In Colombo Divisional Secretariet

Fire Fighters are currently engaged in dousing a fire which broke out at Colombo Divisional Secretariat in Dam Street Colombo short while ago according to Police Sources.the cause of the fire  has not yet revealed.

Remembering One of the world's, largest Train Accidents reported from Sri Lanka In 2004

Tsunami memories:What happened in Paraliya in 2004.