Ministry Of Health has suspended the issuing of Funds for all private sector vetinary doctors to sterilise dogs with immediate affect after found that they have misused the Rs.47 million allocated to them this year for sterilisation.Ministry Of Health issued Rs.47 million to sterilise 75,000 female dogs this year but the Private sector vetinary Doctors failed to sterilise that number and spend all the money to sterilise 53,000 female dogs Ministry has stressed.
Therefore the Ministry has decided to suspend the issuing of funds for the private sector vetinary doctors.However the said private vetinary doctors recieved 800,000 injections to sterilise male dogs this year and they used 693,000 injectons up to now according to the Health Ministry sources.Ministry had spent Rs.350 million for this years Anti Rabies Programme and as a result the number of deaths reported due to Rabies this year dropped to 36 compared to last years 58 deaths.