Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Three Member Judge Panel Postponed Hearing Of General Fonseka's Petition to 10th Of November

The three member judge panel appointed to hear the petition filed by former army commander general sarath fonseka requesting to issue an interim order on allowing him to attend the parliamentary proceedings has decided today to consider the petition in 10th of november.

The court of appeal appointed the three member judge panel yesterday to hear general fonseka's petition and decided to begin the case by  today.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Government Hospital Nurses To Launch An Islandwide Token Strike In 10th Of November

All nurses attached to Government Hospitals will launched an islandwide one day token strike in 10th of November(Wednesday)demanding solutions for five of their service demands according to the Government Health Nursing Officers Union(GHNO).

The secretary of the Nursing Officers Union Jayantha Wimalasiri has said that all nursing staff will participate this trade union action demanding to with hold the decision taken to reduce the  Nursing Degree period to 3 years from 4 yaers,allow nurses to participate maternity tarining in Kurunagala Hospital of the North Western Province,implementing the proposals made by the union for the Nursing Constitution,declare a 5 day working weak for nurses and giving nurses a 180/1 extra allowance per hour's work.

Three Member Judge Panal Appointed To Hear General Fonseka's Petition

Court of Appeal today appointed a three member judge panel to examine the petition filed by the imprisoned former Army Commander and MP General Sarath Fonseka requesting to issue an order allowing him to particpate Parliamentary proceedings.The Court of Appeal yesterday postponed the appoionting of the judge panel to today.

The newly appointed judge panal is due to hear the petition tomorrow.The secretary of the Parliamnet informed the elections commissioner recently that imprisoned General Fonseka's Parliamentary Seat is vaccated and take action to appoint a replacement for the vaccant seat.Following this General Fonseka filed a petition in the Court Of Appeal challenging the decision of the secretary of the parliament.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Court Of Appeal To Appoint Three Member Judges Panel Tomorrow To Consider General Fonseka's Request

The Court of Appeals today postponed the appointing of a Three member Judges Panel to consider the Imprisoned Former Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka's request to allow him to participate  the Parliament proceedings to tomorrow.

Sri Lanka Opposed France On Setting Up A Statue Of A Late Terrorist Leader

Sri Lanka opposed the French Government  in setting up of a statue of former Political Wing leader of  LTTE Thamil Selvem in a french town  of La Courneuve .Sri Lankan Ministry of external affairs said today that the Sri Lankan Embassy in France will write to the french authorities including the mayor of the town where the statue is to be erected in the north eastern suburbs of Paris.

Thamil Selvam killed during the war against sri lankan army three years ago and the organizers of erecting the statue already laid down the foundation for the statue it has been reported.La Courneuve is having a large number of Tamil population.Already sri lankans lives in Germany and France   wrote to French President and the mayor of town where the statue is going to be placed  against erecting a statue of a terrorist leader.

Government Reduced The Import Tarrifs Of Potatoes And Anions

Government has decided to reduced the import tarrifs imposed in bombay anions and potatoes with immediate effect.Under this decision the Rs.30 tarrif imposed in killo of potatoes will reduced to Rs.10 and the Rs.25 tarrif imposed in a killo of anions will reduced to Rs.10.

The secreatry of the Ministry of corporatives said that the government expecting a Rs.20 reduction of a killo of potatoes and Rs.15 price reduction in a killo of bombay anions following the tarrif recduction..

Colombo Additional Magistrate Refused Granting Bail For 21 University Students

Colombo aditional magistrate today refused to grant bail to 21 university students who are remanded for illegally entering and damaging the property of the university grants commission building in colombo.By refusing granting the bail colombo additional magistrate rashmi singappuli said that the magistrate court is not having a power to granting bail to these students and requested the lawyers representing students to applied for bail from a higher court.Additional magistrate also ordered to remand the 21 students till 12th of november.

Meanwhile lawyers of the university students who are in prison already applied bail for these students from the colombo high court.