Tuesday, October 5, 2010

National Petition Signing Campaign To Release General Fonseka Began

The National Campaign for Democracy today begun a petition signing campaign in Fort.Colombo to get  release  former Army Comander Retired General Sarath Fonseka.Majority of the Opposition Parties and their leaders attended the event and signed the petition.

The leader of the opposition Ranil Wickremasinha said all political parties should act together by putting behind their differences to release General Fonseka from the prison.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bread Price To Go Up By Rs 3

Sri Lankan Bakery Owners Association today announced that the price of a loaf of 450 grammes Bread will increased by Rs.3 with the effect from midnight tonight.With this price hike the new price of the Bread will be Rs.46.

In last Month too the Price of  Bread goes up by Rs.3.

Venerable Sobitha Thero Along With 100 Buddhist Priests To Serve Rigourous Imprisonment If Former Army Commander Released

Venerable Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero(Bhuddist Priest) yesterday urged the Government that he along with 100 Buddhist Priests are ready to serve rigourous imprisonment if the former Army Commander Retired General Sarath Fonseka is released from prison..Addresing a press briefing organized by the National Bhikku Front in Colombo yesterday Ven.Sobitha Thero said it is a sad state that a War Hero who freed the country from the terrorists is giving rigourous  Imprisonment while rapists,Drug Dealers and Criminals who were sentenced to Jail in the past were given a  pardon.

He also said that former LTTE Members  like KP,Karuna and Pillayan are now living a luxury life even they were involved of killing thousands of innocent civilians in the past.Ven.Thero also urged the Sri Lankan Public to go to the Temples and lighting lamps and evoking blessings on behalf of  Former Army Commander.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bakery Owners To Increase Bread Prices

The price of the Bread Loaf is to be increased during next week as the Flour Suppliers increased the price of a Kilo of Wheat Flour by Rs.8.33 All Ceylon Bakery Owners Association has announced today.However the Association did not revealed the amount of the price increase yet.

Bakery Owners Association already increased the price of a Bread loaf by Rs.2 few weeks back and now the Price of a Bread stands as Rs.42.

Poster Campaign Launched By JVP Against General Fonseka's Imprisonment Blocked

A poster campaign launched today  by the leftist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna(JVP) against the imprisonment of former Army Commander Retired General Sarath Fonseka was blocked by the Police in five areas in Colombo District JVP Media Unit has announced.According to the media unit posters pasted in Hanwella,Awissawella,Maharagama,Borella and Wellampitiya areas were confiscated and torn off by the Police and several JVP members  who involved in putting up these posters were arrested.A three wheeler used to transport the posters also taken in to custody the unit further said.

Friday, October 1, 2010

General Fonseka Will Not Ask Forgiveness -DNA General Secretary

Although Government officials announced that the President Mahinda Rajapaksha will give pardon to the Imprisoned former Army Commander Retired General Sarath Fonseka if he personally appeal to the President the General Secretary of the Democratic National Alliance(DNA) MP Vijitha Herath said today that General Fonseka will not ask forgiveness from the President as he is innocent and not committed any crime.MP Herath also said that even Public is aware that General Fonseka is innocent on the charges leveled against him.

Retired General Fonseka was brought to the Walikada Prison last night with high security after President approved the Imprisonment sentenced to him by the Second Court Martial.Even DNA Members and party supporters went to Walikada Prison this noon General Fonseka's Wife Mrs.Anoma Fonseka  and her Sister were the only ones allow to see General.

General Fonseka Brought To Walikada Prison

Former Army Commander Retired General Sarath Fonseka who was sentenced to two and half years  Imprisonment by the Second Court Martial was sent to the Walikada Prison in Colombo yesterday night around 10.30 p.m.According to the media sources there were large number of people gathered in front of the Prison Premises including the wife of General Fonseka Mrs.Anoma Fonseka and the members of the Democratic National Alliance(DNA) which General Fonseka is the leader, to witness bringing Genral Fonseka to the prison.

He  was imprisoned in Navy headquarters during the two court martial trials.President Mahinda Rajapaksha last wednesday  approved the second court martial verdict given against General fonseka on imprisonment.

Meanwhile addressing a Media Briefing General Fonseka's Wife Mrs.Anoma Fonseka said yesterday that the decision given aginst his husband will nether deterred her or her daughters and stressed that this decision will give her strength to fight for her husbands rights.