Saturday, September 11, 2010

Twenty Five UNP MP's To Act Independantly

Twenty Five MP's belongs to the Main Opposition United National Party(UNP) will sit down in Parliament as an Independent Group if the UNP Leadership not taken any measures to solve the Leadership crisis of the Party within next weak UNP MP Dayasiri Jayasekere has warned.According to the MP Jayasekere The Group of 25 UNP MP's will act as an Independent group if the party leadership turned blind eye on their demand and stressed the group will not support the Government at this stage at any cost.

The Group of Parliamentarians also urged the UNP Leader Ranil Wickramasinha to appoint the Hambanthota District MP Sajith Premedasa as the UNP Leader and created a Senior Partly leader post withing the Party for him.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cuban Made BTI Bacteria Arrived

A Ship  carrying Ten Thousand liters of  Cuban Made BTI Bacteria arrived in Colombo Harbor this morning according to the Health Ministry sources.This Bacteria is scheduled to be testify at a selected place in Kandy during next weak before  using it for the National Dengue Control Programme.BTI Bacteria is used to destroy the Dengue Mosquito Larvae .

A spokesman to the Ministry of Health says that this Cuban Made BTI Bacteria will be introduced to the National Dengue Control Programme if it proves successful during the trial along with the locally made BTI Bacteria.Meanwhile the Locally made BTI Bacteria already confirmed as successful after it used for a trial last weak.A test report on local Bacteria is scheduled  to be hand over to  the Director of the Anti Malaria Campaign tomorrow by the researchers attached to the Medical Research Institute(MRI).The report will handover to the Health Minister by next Monday.

160,000 Non Esssential Syringer Needles Expired At The Government Stores

Medical Supplies Division(MSD) removed 160,000 expired Hypordermic Syringer Needles belongs to 24 G Type which expired within the MSD Stores it has been revealed.According to the Government Hospitals Sources these Syringer Needles are used in low quantity at these Hospitals and branded them as Non Essential Surgical Item.

This stock of Needles which are imported more then the required amount was expired on last February according to the MSD Sources.

 The previous Administration of the Medical Supplies Division imported around 3.6 Million Syringer Needles this kind to the Government Hospitals through the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation and stored in the Supplies Division Stores according to the Sources.As these Needles branded as non essential Item for the Government Hospitals medical experts raised the question why the Supplies Division stored a Stock of these Needles sufficient for 39 Month Period as the Space of the stores narrowing due to this stock to store essential Drug Items.

Bakers Association To Increase The Price Of Bread

Sri Lanka Bakers Association warns that the price of a Loaf of Bread  will goes up by Rs.3 due to the higher cost they have to pay to buy 50 Killo Wheet Flour Bag.The Association said that the Government has reduced the Rs.225 Concession offered for them when buying 50 Killo Wheet Flour Bag by reducing it to Rs.75.Therefore the Price of the  Killo of Wheet Flour increased by Rs.3 and need to increase the Bread price due to the situation the Association stressed.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mervyn Re Appointed For The Deputy Minister Post

Former Deputy Highways Minister Mervyn Silva who was charged for tying a Government Servant To a Tree weak's ago is re appointed for the Post short while ago Government has announced.The Deputy Minister was free from the charges leveled against him when he appeared before an Inquiry Committee appointed by the President.

President removed the Deputy Minister 's Portfolio and the post of the Party Organizer soon after he was charged for harassing the Government Servant.

UNP Suspended The Party Membership Of Six MP's Crossed Over To The Govt.

The Main Opposition UNP has decided to suspend the party membership of Six of their MP's who were crossed over to the Government Bench this evening and voted in favor of the 18th Amendment.UNP Working Committee is to meat soon and decide the disciplinary action against the Six MP's Lakshaman Seneviratne,Earl Gunesekere,Upeksha Swarnmalee,Nimal Wijesinha,Abdul Carder and Manusha Nanayakkare most probably  the cancellation of their Party Membership

18Th Amendment Passed With More Then Two Thirds Majority

Much debated 18th Constitutional Amendment was passed with more then two thirds majority at the Parliament this evening at the time  the Main Opposition United National Party Parliamentarians boycotted the house proceedings.One hundred sixty one votes received in favor of the Amendment while Seventeen voted against.

Besides the One hundred Forty four Government MP's Sixteen Opposition Members including of Six UNP and Eight Sri Lanka Muslim Congress MP's were voted in favor of the Amendment.

The salient feature of today's Parliamentary debate on the Amendment was the cross over of the Six UNP Parliamentarians to the Government Bench just few hours before the voting take place.The Cross Over MP's were Lakshman Senevirathne,Earl Gunesekere,Actress Upeksha Swarnamalee,Manusha Nanayakkare,Abdul Carder and Nimal Wijesinha.Earlier they stated that they will supported the Government to pass the Amendment while remain in the Party.

The Passed Amendment now scheduled to be gazetted soon to become a law.

Postal Workers Launched A Sick note Campaign

Postal workers had launched an Island wide sick note campaign with effect from midnight yesterday(12)  according to the Joint Postal Workers...