Out of Eight Hundred Registered Eating Houses in the Colombo Municipal Council Area Forty Six Eating Houses received "A" Grade Awards and another forty Seven Houses received " B" Grade Awards under the New Catagarisation System Introduced by the Colombo Public Health Department .Cinemon Grand Hotel is Awarded as The Best Hotel Among the forty six "A" Grade Winners and also Received the Award for the Hotel with Best Kitchen.
Hotel Trans Asia and Hotel Ceylon Continental are placed Second and Third Places Respectively among the "A" Grade Winners.These Awards along with the Certificates were Distributed at a Ceremony held in the Cinemon Grand Hotel This Morning (23).
When Grading these Eating Houses 10 Facts including the Nature of the Building,Nature and the Hygiene of the Kitchen,Hygiene of the Kitchen Workers and Preparing and Storing of the Food Items taking into Consideration.
Around One Million People are Entering the Colombo City for Different Purposes everyday and this Catagarisation is Important for them as most of these entrants are Consuming Food From these Eating Houses Colombo Public Health Department said.