Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Karunanidhi's Daughter And 1000 Others Arrested At A Protest Out Side SL Consulate In Chennai

Around 1000 activists along with the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.Karunanidhi's daughter Parliamentarian  K. Kanimozhi got arrested by  Chennai Police today when they protested out side of Sri Lankan Consulate in Chennai .Police dispersed the protest which was headed by Chief Minister Karunanidhi by accusing that the Sri Lankan Fisherman apprehended  112 Indian  fisherman from Nagapattinam in Tamil Nadu at  Akkaraipattu fishing habitation in Northern Sri Lanka during last night

Protests also held in front of  Harbors in Tamil Nadu .

Meanwhile the Sri Lankan Minister of Traditional Industries and Small Enterprises Douglas Devananda has said that the 112 Indian Fisherman arrested last night will be released after an official investigation.The Minister has also said that the Indian Fisherman in Custody accepted their fault and pleaded pardon for fishing in Sri Lankan Waters.

Actress Vinu Wettimuny Murdered At Her Home

Young Local Film Actress and a film producer Vinu Wettimuny was murdered at her residence in Rathmalana  of Colombo Suburbs.According to the Police three suspects are believed to be involved with her murder.Police are conducting further investigations.

MP And Popular Local Actress Upeksha Swarnamali Admitted To Jaywardanpura Hospital Due To An Assault

Government MP and popular Sri Lankan Actress Upeksha Swarnamali who widely recognized here as "Paba" was admitted to the Kotte Sri Jayawardenapura Teaching Hospital after received facial injuries due to an assault at Home sources said.She is reported as having an internal bleeding.

Police are conducting an investigations on her assault as a domestic violence although no official complaint received regarding the assault sources said.

MP Swarnamali widely recognized here as "Paba" after she portrayed the  main role in the recently concluded "Paba"Tele drama was elected to Parliament from the Gampaha District with highest number of votes under the main opposition the United National Party's(UNP) ticket and later she joined  the Government.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Token Strike Of Paramedics Paralyzed The Government Hospital Services

Due to an Island Wide token strike launched by the Professionals Supplementary to Medicine(PSM) attached to Government Hospitals today demanding to fulfill five of their service demands,had  paralyzed the issuing of medicines through the out door patient departments,Laboratory Tests,Radiography Tests and Physio Therapy and Occupational Therapies in the Hospitals.

Only emergency services are maintaining  during the 24 hour strike which scheduled to end 8 a.m tomorrow morning according to the PSM Professionals.

However the Major Hospitals including  the National Hospital in Colombo issued special tokens to the Patients who came to get the medicine from OPD pharmacies of hospitals which enable them to purchase drugs free of charge through the State Owned Pharmacies.Same Hospitals have send patients who need emergency Lab Tests,Radiography Tests to the Private Hospitals for these tests according to the officials.

The Professionals Supplementary To Medicine(PSM) compromising Government Pharmacists,Medical Laboratory Technicians(MLT),Radiographers,Physiotherapists and occupational Therapists launched the token strike this morning at 8 a.m demanding to fulfill five demands including  implementation of the delayed promotions of the special grade and first grade of their  professionals .If the Health Ministry has  not taken steps to fulfill their demands immediately the PSM has decided to launch an Island wide continuous strike from 23rd of February till their demands are fulfilled the secretary of the Association of Professionals Supplementary To Medicine Harendra Kuruppu has said.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A False Alarm Of A British Passenger On A Bomb Threat In Sri Lankan Air Line Flight To London Proved As Hoax

A Bomb threat received by the Sri Lankan Air Lines Air Bus 340 which bounded to London U.K found as a  Hoax after checked the Air Bus  which got landed to Male International Air Port this evening,Soon after the Air Bus got landed to Male International Air Port in Maldives  a British Passenger name Clement Paul  who boarded the Plane started alarming fellow passengers that a bomb was on board the Flight.

After searching the flight it proved that the Bomb Threat was a hoax and afterward the Air Bus left to London, Sri Lankan Air Lines Has announced.The Maldives National Defense Force was evacuated the Passengers boarded in Sri Lankan Flight for a search in Male and when it proved the alarm is hoax the British Passenger who was responsible for the act  was apprehended by the Authorities in Male.

After the search the 199 Passenger Air Bus which is flying Colombo to London via Male left for London.

400,000 Plastic Containers To Minimize The Wastage Of Fruits And Vegetables During Transportation

To minimize the wastage of fruits and vegetables during their transportation  the Internal Trade Ministry has  today began distributing of 400,000 Plastic Containers for traders to Pack Fruits and Vegetables when transporting.

According to the Ministry Of Cooperatives and Internal Trade Johnston Fernando using of Plastic Containers to transport Fruits and Vegetables is made a  compulsory with effect from 01st of March this year.These Plastic Containers are bought from the Government and will distribute for the relevant groups through the economic centers Minister further said.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The First Indian Private Ferry Sailing Towards Sri Lanka

Although Some Local officials claimed  that the Indian Media Reports on re commencing of Indo- Sri Lanka Private Ferry during last week is not true it has been reported that the Ferry "MSV Raj TTN 241" carrying 250 tonnes of Food items had left from the old Port of Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu by early hours yesterday and  heading towards Sri Lanka .

The ferry with a 10 crew members is scheduled  to arrive Colombo Port  today according to the sources.According to the Coastal Sail Vessels Owners Association the Ferry would be operated weekly basis and it will expand four tours per week based on the volume of the business.

1068 Dengue Patients Were Reported Throughout The Island This Year-11 Deaths Reported

According to the Epidemiology Unit 1068 Dengue Patients were reported throughout the Island during 01st of January and 10th of February this year and there were 11 Deaths.Majority of the patients were reported from Colombo District(383) followed by Gampaha.Puttalam and  Jaffna Districts.

One child was died due to dengue in the Colombo Municipal Area last week and around 49 patients were reported in first 10 days of February according to the Chief Medical Officer in Colombo municipal area Dr.Pradeep Kariyawasam. 

The Epidemiologists requesting the public to be an alert on the Dengue situation as the epidemic is spreading most parts of the Country and keeping their houses and gardens clean without Dengue Mosquito Breeding Places.

Internal Trade Ministry Found 12,000 KG Of Rice Stock In Colombo Hidden By Traders

The Officers of the Cooperatives  and  Internal Trade Ministry had  found a 12,000 Kilo Grammes of  Rice Stock hidden by the Private Traders at stores in Fourth Cross Street of Pettah,Colombo today during a raid carried out there.According to the Ministry this is the largest stock of hidden Rice found during the raids so far and a legal action will be taken against the traders hidden  this Rice Stock.

Government has already directed  the  Criminal Investigations Department(CID) to carried out search operations to find out the Rice Stocks hidden by the Private Traders in order to stabilizing the Prices of Rice in the Local Market.The Prices of Varieties of Rice in the Market including of popular varieties like  Samba,and Kakulu Rice reported as goes up even the Government has announced a Control Prices for each variety.

As large number of paddy fields destroyed in the North Central Province during the heavy showers and floods occurred in the Province last month and the paddy harvest in the Coming season too not expected as high as previously estimated according to the government sources.Therefore  the Internal Trade Ministry has decided to issue stored Rice stocks at the Government Stores  to the market few days ago to prevent a possible  rice shortage

The Cooperatives and Internal Trade Ministry had already carried out 210 raids during past few days within the local Market to find hidden stocks of rice it has been reported.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Dep.Minister Of Ports Clarifying Indian Media Reports By Saying The Indo-Sri Lanka Private Ferry Service Will Commence In March

Deputy Minister of Ports and Aviation Rohitha Bogollagama has said that although the Indian Media announced that the Private Ferry service between Sri Lanka and India will re commence today(11) it scheduled to be commence in second week of March this year.

The Private Ferry Service between the two countries suspended  two years ago due to the war situation here.It will operate between Tuticorin-India and Colombo-Sri Lanka.

Second Suspect Of The Destroying Lanka E News Office Arrested Yesterday

The second  suspect responsible for destroying the " Lanka E News Web Paper " office in Malabe two weeks ago identified as "Bhutaya' was arrested in Beruwala of the Colombo suburbs yesterday Police Sources revealed.The suspect arrested by the Police Officers in Nugegoda handed over to            Thalangama Police this morning.

After handingover the suspect was prodeuced before the Kaduwela Magistrate Court and ordered to placed in custody till 15th of february.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ministry Of Health To Form Free TB Treatment Centres In Private Hospitals

The Ministry Of Health has decided to form a Tuberculosis(TB) Treatment Center each in every private hospital in the country to provide free TB treatment for the patients The first such center was  inaugurated .yesterday at the Asiri Surgical Hospital in Narahenpita of the Colombo suburbs .

A Priest And Four Others In Eastern Province Arrested With LTTE Supporting Materials

A priest and four others of Batticaloe District in the Eastern Province got arrested today by the Dambulla Police for allegedly spreading false information among a group of foreigners on the situation of North and Eastern Parts in Sri Lanka.CD's which are containing pro LTTE Songs and pictures of the children in  North and East were also recovered from them.

Import Tax On Hybrid Vehicles To Be Reduced By 15 Percent

The import tax on hybrid vehicles which are used below  three and half years to be reduced from 30 percent to 15 percent soon according to the Deputy Finance Minister Geethanjana Mendis.The Deputy Minister has said that this reduction  will implement immediately and  it take as a step for conserving the environment.

Private Ferry Service Between Sri Lanka -India To Re Commence Tomorrow

The Private Ferry Service between Sri Lanka and India which suspended in two years ago due to the War Situation is to re commence tomorrow(11).To mark the re commencement of the ferry service a private ferry carrying 300 tonnes of food items due to leave for Sri Lanka tomorrow from Tuticorin in India.

The 'Hindu "has been reported that the ferry MVN RAJ TPN 241  carrying food items like onions,potatoes,corn  and turmeric will sail towards Colombo Barbour through Maldives and it takes 24 hours to reach here.

While The Death Toll Due To Floods Is In Increase ---Number Of Displaced People Decreasing

The number of people died due to the floods in the Country now risen  to 17 according to the Disaster Management Center.While the death toll has been increasing the number of  displaced persons are decreasing and at present it stands at around 140,000 people according to the Center.

Around 11 people got injured and 2 are still missing due to the floods.The displaced are currently staying in 584 camps.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

50,000 Cattle Reported As Dead Due To Floods

According to the Disaster Management Center around 50,000 Cattle dead due to floods occurred inmost parts of the Country during last weeks.

Some Elephants too died according to the Center.

Sri Lankan Tamil Asylum Seeker In Christmas Island, Wounded During A Brawl With Other Detainees

A Sri Lankan Tamil Asylum Seeker was wounded during a brawl at the Detention Center in Christmas Island belongs to Australia and due to flown to Perth for Medical Treatment according to the Australian Media.According to the Australian Department of Immigration a fight broke out between eight Sri Lankans,an Iraqi and kuwati detainees at Christmas Island during the wee hours in Monday morning and as a result a Sri Lankan detainee had his teeth knocked out.

Soon after the fight broke out the staff of the Detention Center's Service Provider were break  out the fight without sustaining any more injuries.

All Schools In Badulla District Closed Tomorrow And The Day After Due To Bad Weather

All Schools in Badulla District of the Uva Province will be closed on 10th and 11th of February due to the disaster situation including land slides occurred following the heavy showers prevails there the Education Secretary of the Uva Province has announced.

Besides the disaster situation schools in the Badulla District are sheltered to the flood victims and the roads in the district too became unusable due to the rain.All schools in the District will be re opened on Monday(14th)according the Education Secretary.

Visit the foreign Discussion page in the blog(right hand corner) to view the third article on "Bhutanese Refugees'

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

State Of Emergency Was Extended In Parliament With Majority Of Votes

The State Of Emergency was extended by one month with a majority of 109 votes at the Parliament today.While 121 MP's voted in favor of extending the state of emergency 12 MP's voted against it.

Welfare Camps Set Up In Batticloe And Ampara Districts For Flood Victims To Be Closed

Welfare Camps set up to accommodate the displaced people due to floods in Batticloe and Ampara Districts of Eastern Province are to be closed as the flood waters in these districts now receding and the displaced people can go to their houses according to officials.All welfare camps set up in the Batticloe District are to be closed by tonight and the Camps in Ampara District will closed down tomorrow(09th).

Prime Minister Reveals A Pro- LTTE Plan To Bring War Crimes Allegations Against Sri Lanka

Prime Minister D.M Jayarathne today said in Parliament that the government has learned of a plan of pro-LTTE groups and nations trying to bring the war crimes spot light on Sri Lanka again to the United Nations Human Rights Council(UNHRC) in Geneva.

When proposing a motion to the Parliament to extend the state of emergency by one month the Prime Minister has said that such a motion on war crime allegations against Sri Lanka is to be brought up during the next UNHRC sessions scheduled to be  held in Geneva as revealed by  the diplomatic network.

Ministry Of Health To Send Additional Stock Of"Thriposha" To Flood Affected Areas

Ministry Of Health has decided to send an additional stock of "Thriposha" flour Packs prescribed for pregnant,lactating mothers and children to flooded areas with immediate effect.These additional stock is going to send in the view of improving the nutritional status of mothers and children in these areas according to the Ministry.

 "Thriposha" is a sri lankan made food supplement made with corn,soya beens and milk which is prescribed for mothers and kids.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Please read my second article on Bhutanese Refugees with a description of their background appeared in Foreign Discussion page.All comments are welcome.

Sri Lanka Became The South Asian Country With Lowest Maternal And Child Deaths

Sri Lanka became the South Asian Country with lowest maternal and child mortality rates according to the Ministry Of Health.The newest research done by the Family Health Bureau reveals that the Sri Lanka's Maternal Mortality rate is 33.5 per 100,000 live births and the Child Mortality rate is 10 per 1000 live births.

The Pre and Post native care amongst the mothers too is in highest standard and according to the reports 96 percent of Sri Lankan mothers are admitted to hospitals to deliver their babies and out of these 94 percent got admitted to Government Hospitals and 2 percent admitted to Private Hospitals.

Karapitiya Hospital Staff Is In Strike Against The Administration Of Hospital Director

The Entire staff of the Karapitiya Teaching Hospital in Southern Province Launched a One day strike to day against the inefficiency of Hospital Director and OPD Clinics,Normal Surgeries and Treatment suspended due to the strike according to  hospital sources.

Emergency Surgeries and Treatment are functioning as usual according the sources.

Doctors,Nurses and Minor Staff are  involved in  strike demanding  removal of the hospital director due to her inefficiency  when handling administration activities.

Ministry Of Health To Issue A Circular To Inspect Food And Drugs Sell By Flooded Hotels And Pharmacies

Ministry of Health to issue a special circular to the food and drug inspectors who are in flood affected areas to inspect the food and drugs sell by the flooded Hotels,Catering Services and Pharmacies locates in affected areas.This step is taken to ensure the quality of the food and drugs in those areas  and will destroy the food and drugs which proved as not suitable for consumption according the Ministry Sources.

Ministry Of Health To Send A Team Of Epidemeologists Tomorrow To Flood Affected Areas

The Ministry Of Health has decided to send a team of Epidemiologists to the flood affected areas by tomorrow (08)to monitor and  prevent the  spreading of water borne diseases in these areas .Due to the floods there is a risk of spreading Water borne diseases like diarrhea,cholera,leptospirosis.hepatitis a according to the epidemiologists.

Displaced People Due To Floods Risen To 320,000 -11 Deaths Reported

According to the Disaster Management Center up to now  more than 320,000 people have been displaced and 11 persons reported as dead due to the floods occurred in most parts of the country.The most affected areas are Eastern and North Central Provinces.3 persons still missing and 9 injuries reported so far due to various accidents in the flood affected areas.

More than 11,000 houses also destroyed due to floods according to the Center. Around 759 camps are set up to accommodate the displaced people.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"Read the article published in Foreign Discussion Page Of the Blog On "Experiences Of a Bhutanese Refugee"

Prabhakaren's Mother's Health Condition Is Weeken-TNA MP

The health condition of the mother of former LTTE Leader Valupillai Prabhakaren ,Parvathi Ammal is deteriorating and she is no longer identified any individuals according to her care taker and Tamil National Alliance(TNA) MP Sivajilingam.Prabhakaren's mother is currently receiving treatment at the Valvitithurai Hospital in Jaffna he said.

Govt. Owned CEYPETCO Decides Not To Increase Diesel Prices

The government owned Ceylon Petroleum Company(CEYPETCO) has announced today that they will not increased the Prices of the Diesel as done by the Lanka Indian Oil Company(LOIC) yesterday.

LOIC has increased the price of Diesel by Rs.5 per liter with effect from midnight yesterday.

Anuradhapura Divisional Secretary Appeals People To Avoid Entering The District As Floods Still There

The Divisional Secretary of Anuradhapura has requested from the people in other areas in the Country not to enter Anuradhapura District for pilgrimage due to the prevailing floods out there.As rain continues to fall in the District the flood waters still not receded he stressed.

The Number Of People Affected Due To Floods Exceeds 800,000- 8 Deaths Reported

The number of people affected  due to floods exceeds 800,000 today according to the Disaster Management Center while 8 deaths have been reported, 4 were injured and another 2 are missing.People displaced due to floods are accommodate in 430 camps situated in flood affected areas according to the center.

According to the Disaster Management Center the Trincomalee  District in  Eastern Province is the Worst affected District due to floods and more than 290,000 people affected in the District.Anuradhapura District in North Central Province and Batticloe District in Eastern Province are other worst affected areas.

Meanwhile nearly 900 houses are completely destroyed due to Bad Weather it has been revealed.

Friday, February 4, 2011

LOIC To Increase The Price Of Diesel Tonight

The Lanka IOC(Indian Oil Company) is to increase the Price of Diesel by Rs.5 per liter with effect from midnight tonight the Lanka Indian Oil Company(LOIC) has announced.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Floods In North Central And Eastern Provinces Killed Six People And Over 100,000 People Affected In Last Few Days

As the adverse weather conditions continues in most parts of the country six people died and over 100,000 people are affected due to the floods occurred inmost areas authorities said.Spill gates in the tanks in Anuradhapura,Pollonnaruwa,Batticloe,Ampara,Vavuniya and Trincomalee areas were opened as they reached the spill levels.

The whole town of Madirigiriya in the Pollonaruwa District belongs to North Central Province is submerged after the opening of  gates in "Kaudulla" Tank which reached spill level.The affected people in the area are taken to to safety places.One person was killed and a woman got injured due to falling of a wall in their house in Pollonnaruwa District it has been reported.

According to the officials the floods and the bad weather conditions affected in 17 districts and 322 Camps have been set up to accommodate the affected people.

 The Rainy weather and the Cold and gusty winds condition will continue inmost parts of the country according to the weather forecasts.

Independence Day Celebrations--President Mahinda Rajapksha Stressed The Need To Win Development War Like Winning Terrorist War -Pays Tribute To All War Heroes Eradicate Terrorism

President Mahinda Rajapaksha has said today at the National Independence Day Celebrations in Kataragama that  protecting Independence is more difficult than gaining it by stressing together can achieve this goal.He also said that the greatest challenge faced by nations is to preserve the true Independence.While saying that the nation pays tribute to all war heroes in the country who contributed to eradicate terrorism appeals from the people to work with love and dedication to the country.

He also stressed the need of taking unpopular decisions as well As the popular Decisions may jeopardize future generations.

Addressing the National Independence Day Celebrations he also revealed that "like  we won the terrorist war can win the development war too and should not hesitate to achieve economic development amidst any challenges"."Now the per ca pita income in Sri Lanka stands as US$ 2400 and it's a huge increase from what the country achieved from 1948-2005 "he said."Mahinda Chintanaya" will operate a productive economy according to the President.

He also stressed that the Government is committed to protect human rights and respect the Non Aligned Policy while work closely with all nations.

President Rajapaksha also praised the International Support for Sri Lanka given by  other countries .

Central Bank To Issue New Currency Notes To Mark Independence Day

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is to issue new series of currency notes  to mark the 63rd National Independence Day falls tomorrow(04th).

Sri Lanka Celebrates 63rd National Independence Day Tomorrow

Sri Lanka Celebrates it's 63 rd National Independence Day with pride and dignity tomorrow (04th of February ).The National Independence Day Celebrations will held out side Colombo tomorrow for the first time at Kataragama with the presence of President Mahinda Rajapaksha and local and foreign delegates.

Government appeals the people to hoist National Lions Flag in their homes and offices tomorrow to  mark  the Independence Day.Sri Lanka gained Independence from the hands of  Britain  in 04th of February 1948 after decades of colonial rule.

Governing Party Files A Writ Petition Against Rejection Of It's Nominations

The Governing United Peoples Freedom Alliance(UPFA) today filed a writ petition before the Court Of Appeal challenging the rejection of it's nomination paper for the Akmemana Council in Southern Province for the forthcoming local government elections.

Around 450 nominations including the governing party's and the nominations of main opposition United National Party(UNP) were rejected during the last Friday the last day of accepting nominations.

91 Sri Lankan Fishermen In Indian Custody Released With Their Fishing Crafts

The Indian Officials Released 91 Sri Lankan Fishermen who were taken in to custody along with 17 of their fishing crafts yesterday two days after following the Sri Lankan visit of Indian Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao to discuss the issue on fisherman of two countries.

These fishermen were taken in to custody by Indian Coast Guard Authorities alleged on fishing in Indian shores during  last year and this year according to the Officials.Although these fishermen and their crafts were released 9 sri lankan fishermen and 4 vessels still in Indian Custody sources added.

Ten Injured Due To Accidental Explosion In Dock Yard

Due to an accidental explosion occurred in Colombo Dock Yard this evening Ten workers  were injured and admitted to the Colombo National Hospital .According to the Hospital Sources the injured received minor injuries and out of danger.

The explosion has occurred due to  a gas tank exploded while  workers were repairing a Ship in side the Dock Yard.

Singapore Intensifies, Oil Spill Cleanup After It Spreads Along Coast