Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rs.21,71,303 Spent Daily To Remove Garbage From Colombo City

Rs.21,71,303 has spent daily by the Colombo Municipal Council to  remove garbage from City of Colombo The Minister of Provincial Councils MP Indika Bandaranaike has said  in Parliament today.According to the Minister daily around 700 tonnes of garbage are collected from the Colombo City and in some days garbage is collected two or three times.

Miniater Bandaranaike revealed these facts as a response to the question raised on collecting garbage in Colombo City by  Opposition MP Ravi Karunanayake.MP Karunanayake said that the government is giving false details on collecting garbage in the city and charged that the government is not having a proper policy to dispose garbage in the city.

However denying these charges Minister Bandaranaike has said that government is having a national policy in collecting garbage.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thunder Showers To Continue Tomorrow

Thunder Showers prevails  in the Country will continue tonight as well assisted with strong winds according to the Meteorological Department.

Met Department sources said that occasional showers will expected in Eastern,Central and Uva Provinces while evening thunder showers will experienced mostly in the Western Coastal areas tomorrow.

300 Houses And 16,000 Residents Affected Due To Heavy Showers Prevailes In The Country

Nearly 300 houses were damaged and around 16,000 residents were displaced due to the heavy showers assisted by winds and flood conditions prevails in the country at present according to the Disaster Management Center.Several Roads in and around Colombo seen flooded caused heavy traffic during the evening and some Roads are closed due to the flood situation.

Nearly 3500 people were displaced in the Districts of Kandy,Matara,Nuwara Eliya,Kurunagala,Puttalam and Monaragala due to the showers which lasted few hours today.Two Camps for the displaced were set up in Puttalam and Gamapaha Districts according to the Disaster Management Center.

Several Roads including the High Level Road connected to the Baseline Junction were flooded and some schools and Temples situated in flooded roads too were affected by this.

President Appointed Ministry Secretaries

President Mahinda Rajapaksha yesterday appointed secretaries to the 53 Ministries including Secretaries of the President and the Prime Minister.

The Judge Panel Of White Flag Case Ordered A Pvt T.V Channal To Produced An Original Video Of Gen.Fonseka's Speech

The three member judge panel who are conducting the White Flag case filed against Imprisoned Former Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka today(24) ordered a local Private T.V Ch annal who recorded General Fonseka's speech regarding the White Flag Case in a rally to produced the original video of that rally to the next court proceedings.

The case is held regarding a statement said to be made by General Fonseka as a presidential candidate during last January's Presidential Campaign rally stating that he learned from a third party that the Defense Secretary had ordered to kill LTTE Leaders who came with white flags to surrender to Armed Forces during the final phase of the war.

The three member judge panel ordered the original video footage after  the Attorney of  the Defendant requested to do so.

The next court proceeding on the case is due to held in 29th of November.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chandima Weerakkody Appointed As New Dep.Speeker

The Government MP for  Galle District(Southern Province) Chandima Weerakkody was appointed as the new Deputy Speaker unanimously today during Parliamentary Proceedings.

Ministry Of Health To Expand Local Drug Production

The Ministry Of Health is planned to increase the manufacturing of Medicinal Drugs up to 3500 million tablets annually  from the present annual production of 1200 million tablets to meet the local demand.Under this plan Ministry aims to increased the annual Drug Production of  State Pharmaceuticals Corporation(SPMC) to meet 75 percent of  local demand according to Ministry sources.

In view of this SPMC yesterday opened a new Drug manufacturing Unit to increase it's production.At present the SPMC produced 63 varieties of Drugs and released to the market under the generic name.

Meanwhile the State Pharmaceuticals Corporation which imported the Drugs for Government Hospitals expand their Distribution Services with opening new Drug Stores in five cities with the cost of Rs.150 million.

Main Opposition UNP To Vote Against The Budget

The Secretary of the main opposition  United National Party(UNP) Tissa Attanayake said today that his party decided to vote against the Government's 2011 Budget Proposals as it failed to met people's expectations.Government totally failed to deliver goods to the people as promised he stressed.

Addressing a media briefing in Colombo today UNP Secretary said that although Government failed to give concessions to the people it spent millions of rupees to maintain a jumbo Cabinet.Sri Lanka's Cabinet is the largest Cabinet in the world he further added.

The Debate On Second Reading Of The Budget Began Today

The debate on the second reading of Government's 2011 Budget is began today and will continue till 29th of November.The voting for the second reading will  be held in eve of 29th of November.

The Committee level Budget Debate will begin in 30th of November and continue till 10th of December.The Final voting for the Budget will take place in Parliament in eve of 10th of December.

Monday, November 22, 2010

President Wants Newly Appointed Cabinet Ministers To Stop Criticizing Their Predecessors

After  Newly Appointed Cabinet Members took their oaths this morning President Mahinda Rajapaksha had advised the Cabinet Ministers avoid criticizing their predecessors and work to end corruption in their ministries.He also praised the two deputy ministers who turned down the offered Ministerial Posts to them and remained as Deputy Ministers.

More From The Budget

While announcing that all the BOI(Board Of Investment) Projects failed to initiate during last five years should submit fresh applications President Mahinda Rajapaksha said during his Budget Speech that the two locally based  International Air Lines the Sri Lankan and Mihin Air Lines will exempted from taxes to increase the profits of those Air Lines  within next 10 years.

Except this the other Benefits offered from the Budget includes removing all taxes imposed on importing medicines and medical supplies completely ,granting Rs.100,000 for every third child born in a Soldiers Family and allocating three billion rupees for the economic welfare of the Soldiers.

59 Member New Cabinet Sworn In

New Cabinet of the present government compromising 59 Members took their oaths before President Mahinda Rajapaksha this morning at Presidential Secretariat in Colombo.Ten Deputy Ministers were promoted as Ministers and the subject stream of some ministries too changed.

Electricity And Income Licence Taxes Increased

Under the new budget proposals the tax imposed on consumers consuming more then 90 units of electricity will be increased by 10 percent from next year.

Meanwhile Annual Income License Tax  is increased by 10 percent.

Sri Lanka's Per Capita Income To Be US Dollers 4000 By Year 2016?

President has announced today that Government is planning to turn Sri Lanka's per income capita ratio to US Dollars 4000 by the year 2016.

Liquor,Tobacco And Casino Taxes Increased/Public Transport Vehicle Tax Reduced

Government also increased the Tax rates on Liquor,Tobacco and Casino from 35 percent to 40 percent from the new Budget Proposals presented to Parliament today.

The importing tax imposed on imported public transport vehicles reduced by 25 percent.

2011 Budget-Foreign And Local Call Rates Revised/Taxes Removed From PC's And Softwares

From 2011 Budget Proposals President has announced that the Foreign Call Tax will be increased Rs.2 per minute with effect from next year and the Local Call charges will reduced from Rs.2 to Rs 1.50 per minute from July 2011.

Government also removed the Taxes implement on imported Computers and Software Products with immediate effect.

President Rajapaksha Announced 5 Percent Inter Allowance And Rs.600 COL Increase For Govt.Servents From Budget

President Mahinda Rajapaksha presented the Sri Lankan Government's 2011 Budget Proposals to Parliament as finance minister and announced a 5 percent inter allowance (non pensionable) and 600 Rupees increase of Cost of Living Allowance for the Public Sector Employees with effect from January Next Year.All Pensioners also received Rs.300 increment from next year he said.

Under the new inter allowance some employees in Government Sector will entitled around Rs.3500 Salary Increase President stressed.President also said that the Salary Anomalies prevails in Government Sector will be solved with effective measures.

According the Budget Proposals 10,000 Unemployed Graduates will received employment in the Public Sector Banks from next year and 1500 Graduates will recruited to State Banks and Financial Institutions as Management Trainees.

A new Pension Scheme is introduced for the Private Sector Employees with 2 percent each contribution from Employer and the Employee as well as another 2 percent contribution from the Employers Provident Fund(EPF).

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Government To Present 2011 Budget Proposals Tomorrow

Government will present  2011 Budget Proposals to the Parliament Tomorrow(22).The Proposals will be presented to the Parliament at 1.30 P.M.

Government Servants ranging Intellectuals to Normal Employees are expecting a reasonable pay hike from this Budget to met the  high Living Expenditure prevails in the Country.Meanwhile Government has hinted last weak that if the Monthly Salaries of  State Employees increased by minimum of  Rs.100 it may have resulted the cutting down of mega development projects launched by the government.Government also expected to introduced a simple Tax System from this Budget.

New Cabinet To Take Oaths Tomorrow

A Cabinet Re-shuffle is to take place tomorrow(22).According to the President's Media Unit the new Cabinet is scheduled to take oaths before the President Mahinda Rajapaksha tomorrow morning at 10 A.M at the Presidential Secretariat in Colombo.

Under the   Cabinet  Re Shuffle several Ministerial Portfolios are expected to shift and the roles of the Ministries too changed according to the President's Media.Also several Deputy Ministers are scheduled to  be appointed as Ministers.

Minor Depression Caused Heavy Showers In Most Parts Of The Country

Due to the minor depression developed  in air ,Most parts of the country including Colombo experienced heavy showers with wind both yesterday and today the Department of Meteorology has announced today.During last 24 hours the highest rainfall of 90.8 mm was reported from Gampaha District in the Western Province and Katunayaka has recorded 64.4 mm ,Colombo -52.4mm and from Rathmalana 31.4mm of rain has been reported.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

General Fonseka Was Released From The Prison Hospital

Imprisoned Former Army Commander and the leader of the Democratic National Alliance General Sarath Fonseka was discharged from the Prison Hospital in Welikada,Colombo this eve and was taken back to his prison cell according to the Prison Hospital Sources.According to the sources the respiratory problem he had when admitted to the Prison Hospital last Tuesday has  improved .

Government To Print A Code For National Anthem

The Government is planning to print and publish a code for the use of National Anthem which will give pride and respect to the National Anthem.

Cabinet Approval has already granted for this purpose and the Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs is planning to print this code with all three languages.

Treasury Amended The Vehicle Imports Circular For MP'S

The Government Treasury has amended the Vehicle Imports Circular which enable more Parliamentarians to Import vehicles for their private use with 18 percent Duty Concession.According to the new amendment MP's can purchase Vehicles up to US Dollars 50,000 from an International Market with the duty concession and Bank of Ceylon will provides Rs.5,000,000 bank loan for each of them.

Before the amendment only 69 MP's got the Duty Concession Vehicle Permits to import Vehicles from an International Market.

Friday, November 19, 2010

President Rajapaksha Recalls Sri Lanka As A Land With Great History Not A Small Country Anymore

" we are aware that the developed countries in the world have many other cities of fame apart from their capital cities. When development spreads and the revolution of roadways expands we will have several cities that are not second in anyway to Colombo. This will inevitably lead to a completely different image of Sri Lanka that the world will see tomorrow"Says President Mahinda Rajapaksha after sworn in his second term in office  this morning.

President Rajapaksha has sworn in out side the Presidential Secretariat facing Galle Face green  in Colombo  today in front of Local , foreign delegates and the public.

He further said that he massive power projects now under construction will ensure that by 2012 every home and family in our country will have electricity. "Therefore, the land that was freed from terrorism will by 2012 be a land that is freed of darkness. You will soon hear the hum of industry that is powered by this energy.
In keeping with the exhortation of our former kings that not a drop of water should flow to the sea without first serving the people, we are today harnessing the water in all our great reservoirs for the task of development. All reservoirs must be used without letting them idle. This will lead to the filling up of our barns, providing drinking water to the people. When we have enough food for our bodies, our minds will be filled with the comfort of freedom the president stressed.

Here are some important points in the speech delivered by President today.

What lies ahead is a period when all of us will have to work hard for our country. Our expectation is to modernize all areas of employment as to make them more productive and provide more revenue. The work of our people should be regarded as an asset and not the result of hiring or slavery. Our labour is an asset of dignity. It is by increasing the quality of work that my country can be made the Wonder of Asia.

We must move towards a future generation that is trilingual. It is my hope to raise the level of computer literacy to 75% in the near future and make our future generation true heroes of technology in the modern world. The name of Sri Lankan youth must top the list of those employed in the fields of science and technology. Our generation can achieve this victory by making our country the knowledge hub we intend it to be.

What I seek is a country where we can travel from one end to another in a few hours; an era which provides a good income for our people. We must rise by making this country the hub of development in the five-fold areas of naval, aviation, commerce and trade, power and energy, and knowledge. We must make this a country one among those with the best quality of life.

There is no room for hatred on politics, community, caste or religion when our children are brought up in a life that is replete with all facilities, has shelter and security, and is rich in love and friendship.

We have carried out development work in the North and East as never before in the history of these regions. All development processes carried out in the North and East, are a closure of the highways to terrorism. I strongly believe that this infrastructure to banish poverty is a major part of a political solution.
The people of the North were able to use their franchise in freedom at the Presidential and Parliamentary elections. In the forthcoming elections too, we will ensure their right to vote freely and elect their representatives.

Never in any of my speeches have I referred to my motherland as a small country. I have never called the land of my birth, ‘small Sri Lanka’ or ‘small Island’. This is a land with a great history of many centuries, where the Kalawewa, Ruwanweliseya, Sigiriya, Yoda Ela, Lovamahapaya stand; where the Buddha has trod thrice on this land. A land that won our freedom from the world’s most powerful imperialism from struggles that lasted nearly four centuries; has defeated the most ruthless and savage terrorist of the world. It is where people who follow four different faiths live in harmony and where today many communities live in brotherhood; and where the world’s largest habour and five other ports are being built, and the strides of development are proceeding to build airports, expressways and massive power stations. With such an abundance of greatness who would dare to say that this is a small island?

Therefore, never ever call this a small country. You too must develop your body, mind and word to match the dignity of this land of your birth and take this country to the greatness it deserves. 


Sri Lanka's Longest Tape Worm Found From Eastern Province

Sri Lanka's longest Tape Worm which caused the Tape Worm disease found from eastern province.According to the reserchers of the Medical Research Institute(MRI) in Colombo the Tape Worm which comes from Monkey is 30 Centi Meters long and now laid  in  MRI Lab.

According to the Medical Researchers this is the first time that a Tape Worm belongs to the Monkeys has been reported from Sri Lanka as all previous Tape Worms reported here were came from Cattle and Pigs.The patient who released the Tape Worm eggs is a small child and still receiving medication for the dissease.

Meanwhile Doctors appealed the people in all ages to be careful when they handle Monkeys,Cattle and Pigs and advised them to wash their hands properly after touching them and after going to the toilet.Also advised people to relaese stools properly and always wear slippers when walking out side.

Three Hundrad Fifty Sri Lankan Chefs Cooked Record Breaking Milk Rice To Mark President's Swearin Ceremony

Around 350 chefs representing all star hotels here cooked 15,000 killo Milk Rice yesterday at the Independance Square ,Colombo-07 to mark the swearing ceremony of  President Mahinda Rajapaksha.Over 65,000 people ate the record breaking Milk Rice which is a very popular meal among Sri Lankans according to the Govt.sources.

The Ministry of Media and Communications was organized this Milk Rice making ceremony which estimated to be cost more then Rs.1 million.Around 120 Gas stoves brought to the Independance Square especially to cook the Milk Rice and it took three and half hours to cooked it.President Rajapaksha and his wife also arrived there to cut the Milk Rice around 1.02 p.m.The 65th Birth Day of the president also falls yesterday.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

President To Sworn In For His Second Term Tomorrow

President Mahinda Rajapaksha is scheduled to be sworn in on his second term as president tomorrow(19th) at the Presidential Secretariat in Colombo-01.The main opposition the United National Party(UNP) has decided to boycott the sworn in ceremony tomorrow by saying that a large sums of money has  spent by the government to organize this event

Medical Research Institute Made Mosquito Bite Preventing Cream

The Medical Research Institute(MRI) in Colombo  has successfully made a cream which can prevent mosquito bites according to the Ministry Of Health.This cream which is made by using local herbs is due to introduced to the local market early next year.

According to the Health Ministry this new cream able to prevent any mosquito bites and the trials regarding this  product proved to be successful.The National Dengue control Unit is funding for making this cream.

White Flag Case Postponed Till 23rd Of November Due To General's Illness

High Court in Colombo today decided to postpone the hearing of white flag case till 23rd of November due to the hospitalization of  defendant of the case imprisoned former Army Commander general sarath fonseka.

The three member judge panel conducting the case also informed prison authorities to provide general fonseka a prison cell without leaking roof and an exercise machine to keep his lungs work as requested by his lawyers.General Fonseka has suffering lung infection due to lack of exercise in the prison cell and he is advised to take regular exercises to keep his lungs healthy as metal pieces there inside  his lungs due to the suicide bomb attack he faced  few years back.

First Ship Arrived The Newly Built Port In Hambanthota

The First Ship arrived  the newly built Mahinda Rajapaksha International Harbor at Hambanthota in Southern Province of Sri Lanka today with  presence of  creator of the Port President Rajapaksha.The first phase of  newly built Port in Hambanthota begun two years ago and finished recently with the cost of Rs.360 million .

The first ship arrived  the new port from  Galle Port in Southern Province with the blessings of Buddhist Priests.President Rajapaksha also celebrated his 65th birth day today.

Medical Supplies Division Withdrawn A Stock Of Low Quality Paracetamol From Govt.Hospitals

The Medical Supplies Division had withdrawn a stock of Paracetamol BP 500mg Tablets  distributed to the Government Hospitals with immediate effect after lab tests confirmed that the stock is in low quality.According to the Medical Supplies Division Sources the Stock of low quality Paracetamol Tablets were imported from an Indian Drug Company and due to expired in October 2013.

The National Drug Quality Assurance Lab confirmed from their report that the above stock of Paracetamol is in low quality as it not include the required substances when manufactured.

Based on the Laboratory Test Report the Director of  Medical Supplies Division has sent a circular dated 2010-10-14 to all the Hospital Directors directing the withdrawal of  Paracetamol stock.Meanwhile a spokesman of the Supplies Division said that Indian Drug Company that supplied the above Paracetamol stock has promised to supply a replacement stock and  still they did not received that stock.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Colombo Eye Hospital Organized A Free Eye Screening Clinic For The Clergy

Sri Lanka's only Government Eye Hospital the Colombo Eye Hospital is organizing a free eye screen clinic tomorrow(18th) from 8 A.M to 12 Noon for  Buddhist,Christian,Hindu and Muslim Clergy to mark the second term coronation of President which falls in 19th of November according to the Eye Hospital authorities.

In this clinic Eye Screening,donating Lenses free of charge to those identified as having Cataracts and donating Free Spectacles for those who are having Eye Disorders as well as performing free Surgeries will perform according to the authorities.

Fisherman In Negombo Lagoon Protests Against The Sea Plane Project

Fisherman in the Negombo lagoon today staged a protest against the Sri Lankan Air Lines Sea Plane Project which happened to be begin from the lagoon by stating it will destroy the livelihood of dozens of Fisherman's families.The Fisherman says they will not end the protest till the authorities stopped the Sea Plane project.

According to the Alliance for protecting the Negombo  lagoon who organized this protest said around 500 fisherman are currently surrounding the evacuation machines including Backhoe machines brought for the project.The fisherman in the lagoon are catching Crabs, Prawns and other fish worth Rs,200,000 per day and even export them to European countries and Japan Alliance sources said.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Imprisoned Former Army Commander Hospitalized Due To Sudden Illness

 Imprisoned Former Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka admitted to the Prison Hospital in Welikada Prison last night due to a sudden illness it has been reported.He was admitted soon after returned to Prison after attending the white flag court case held yesterday.

Health Minister To Form Presidential Task Force In Nutrition

Health Minister Maithrepala Sirisena has said today  that he will form a special Presidential Task Force in Nutrition to tackle Malnutrition and other nutrition related problems in Sri Lanka in Next January.Addressing the inauguration ceremony of the Nutrition Information Center first of it's kind here at the Medical Research Institute,Colombo the minister has stressed that the District which has played major role in  Development of Sri Lanka Colombo District is the worst affected District with nutrition problems when comparing to other Districts in the country.

This was due to the bad food habits of it's citizens he stressed. Health Minister also said that this nutrition center and the official web site of the center launched today will help the people in  Colombo District who are access to the web sites regularly to get correct information on nutrition and good food habits.

Supreme Court Issued An Interim Order To Suspend General Fonseka's Appeal Court Case On His Parliamentary Seat

Supreme Court today issued an interim order suspending the Court case regarding vacating of General Sarath Fonseka's Parliamentary Seat filed in Appeals Court with immediate effect. By issuing the interim order Supreme Court has said the suspending the Appeals Court case will valid till verdict is given on the legitimacy of General Fonseka's Court Martial.

The Supreme Court trial  on Legitimacy of General Fonseka's Court Martial will held according to the sources.

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Meteor Shower To Be Fall

A meteor Shower is to be lighten the skys during dawn of this Wednesday and Thursday according to the Arthur C Clark institute of modern technologies.It will be visible in both days institute has further added.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sri Lanka Probing A Case On Torturing Their House Maid In Jordan

The Foreign Employment Bureau of Sri Lanka is investigating an allegations made  by a Sri Lankan House Maid working in Jorden stating that her employer forced her to swallow six nails.According to the President of the     Foreign Employment Bureau Kingsly Ranawaka the bureau is waiting a medical report on Sri Lankan house maid's allegation and after receiving the medical report they will go to the next step.

This was the third such case reported from Sri Lankan Hose Maids work in  Arabic Countries during recent weeks .Preveiously  two House Maids worked in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait returned to Sri Lanka with nails inside their bodies.

Sri Lankan Commonwealth Boxing Gold Medalist Failed Second Urine Test

Sri Lankan Commonwealth Boxing Gold Medalist Manju Wanniarachchi's B urine sample also tested positive for the banned substance Nandrolone according to the Sri Lanka Boxing Association.Manju who won the Bantemweight section in the 56 KG Catagory Gold Medal at the recently concluded Commonwealth Games in New Delhi,India failed the first Drug Test for the banned substance.

OPD's Of 40 Government Hospitals To Extend Their Services Till 8 P.M From Tomorrow

OPD'S(Out Door Patient Departments) of all Hospitals belongs to the Ministry Of Health will open till 8 p.m from Mondays to Saturdays including Public Holidays with effect from tomorrow(15) according to the Health Ministry Secretary Dr.Ravindra Ruberu.Normally OPD'S are functioning 8 A.M to 4 P.M in Weekdays and 8 A.M to 12 Noon during weekends and public holidays.

Under this around 40 Hospitals run by the Health Ministry will open their OPD Pharmacies  to patients till 8 P.M from tomorrow  and a doctor will be there at the OPD till that time for an On Call services.

According to Health Secretary OPD's in  Government Hospitals run by Provincial Councils will open till 8 P.M once the shortage of Pharmacists and other health staff occurred in these hospitals is sort out.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Section Of The Public Offices And Schools To Be Closed In 19th Of November

The Government has decided to close down all Public Offices and Schools in  Colombo-01,2,3 and 4 divisions on  10th of November in the view of marking President Mahinda Rajapaksha's swearing in ceremony for  second term in office.

President Instructed To Grant Visas For Al Jazeera T.V Crew After Deaprtment Of Immigration Refused To Issue Visas For Them

President Mahinda Rajapaksha had instructed the Department Of Immigration and Emigration to issue visas to  an International T.V News Crew of the renowned Al Jazeera T.V Station to enter the country after  Department earlier had refused to grant visas for them. However neither the Department of Immigration and Emigration or the Foreign Ministry given the reason behind  refusing of granting to visas for the T.V Crew.

The Al Jazeera Television last Wednesday showed the piles of bodies who were executed during the final stages of war against LTTE last year.Afterward Sri Lankan Government rejected these photographs by saying that this is a similar to the video footage which  Channel-4 in United Kingdom telecast recently on the war. Government also claimed that this is a malicious attempt to discredit the victory of the Sri Lankan Forces.

The Al Jazeera T.V Crew is due to visit Sri Lanka to cover the President Mahinda Rajapaksha's Swearing in Ceremony for  Second Term in office scheduled to be held in 19th of November.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Heavy Showers Flooded The Parliamentary Complex

Due to the heavy showers prevailed in Colombo District within last few hours the Parliamentary Complex in Colombo suburbs and the surrounded areas are also flooded and due to this today's   Parliamentary Sessions restricted for few minutes. Most MP's and even the speaker came and left the Parliament from Naval Boats and some were used jeeps and other vehicles.

The River surrounded the National Parliament Complex the Diyawanna oya is overflowed and the ground floor of the Parliament Building is covered with 3 feet of water.Even there was no electricity and the MP's passed 8 resolutions through the torch light of the Police Officers who accompanied them to the  Parliament.

Health Ministry To Seek An Explanations From 550 Nurses Involved In Wednesday's Sick Note Campaign

Ministry Of Health has decided to getting  an explanations from 550 Government Hospital Nurses who were reported Sick leave yesterday .According to the Ministry Officials it has decided to get an explanations from these nurses through the respective Hospital Directors on why they involved in the trade union action at a time when Ministry issued a circular canceling all their leaves.

Out of the 24,000 Government Hospital Nurses only 550 Nurses participated the trade union action according to the Ministry.

Heavy Showers Fell To Colombo Displaced over 75,000 and flooded Many Sub Ways

Due to the heavy showers prevails in Colombo District since last evening over 75,000 people in the district were reported as displaced according to the Colombo Disaster Management Center.Small shanties as well as luxurious  houses in Colombo were flooded due to the heavy showers fell first such rain fall from 18 years Sri Lanka Meteorological Department said.

Due to the gusty winds accompanied with the showers some roofs of some houses were destroyed and commuters faced lot of difficulties during yesterday eve and this morning due to the road traffic caused in flooded roads.Some sub ways in the Colombo City were flooded since yesterday eve.

Around 440.2 mili meters of Rain fall was reported till 8.30 a.m today  to  Colombo District according to the Meteorologists.

Meanwhile Around 19 centers were set up within the Colombo District for  displaced persons due to floods and the meals for them are supplied through the Disaster Management Center in Colombo.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sri Lanka Became The Country With Highest Diabetes Population In South Asia

Sri Lanka is became a Country with largest number of Diabetes Patients in South Asian Region with more then 13 percent of the population here affected with Diabetes according to the Medical Specialists.

While other seven South Asian Countries are having less then 10 perent affected with Diabetes amongst the age group of 20-79 Sri Lanka is became the only country in the region having more than 10 percent of Diebetes Population.

Meanwhile according to the health surveys it has been reported that although Sri Lankan diet mainly compromised with Vegetables 82 percent of Sri Lankan adults not add vegetables  for their daily meals and average Sri Lankan consumes 10 grammes of Salt and 60 grammes of Suger daily.According to the Professor Chandika Wijerathna of Nirogo Lanka Project Average Sri Lankan added 15 to 18 percent of Fatty Foods to their meals daily.

Bad food habits,lack of exercise,mental stress are found as main reasons for getting Diabetes in Sri Lanka.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The State Of Emergency Is Extended

The extending of State Of Emergency was passed at the Parliament this evening with 114 majority votes.125 MP's voted for extending of State Of Emergency and 11 MP's voted against it.The main opposition UNP,DNA and TNA voted against the Emergency.

Health Ministry Suspended Issuing Funds To Private Vetinary Doctors For Sterilisation Dogs

Ministry Of Health has suspended the issuing of Funds for all private sector vetinary doctors to  sterilise dogs with immediate affect after found that they have misused the Rs.47 million allocated to them this year for sterilisation.Ministry Of Health issued Rs.47 million to sterilise 75,000 female dogs this year but the Private sector vetinary Doctors failed to sterilise that number and spend all the money to sterilise 53,000 female dogs Ministry has stressed.

Therefore the Ministry has decided to suspend the issuing of funds for the private sector vetinary doctors.However the said private vetinary doctors recieved 800,000 injections to sterilise male dogs this year and they used 693,000 injectons up to now according to the Health Ministry sources.Ministry had spent Rs.350 million for this years Anti Rabies Programme and as a result the number of deaths reported due to Rabies this year dropped to 36 compared to last years 58 deaths.

Ministry Of Health is due to received an imported stock of 1.3 million Anti Rabies Vaccines within next week according to the Ministry Sources.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Survey Reveales 18.4 Percent Of The Youngsters Up To Age Of 22 Suffering From Diabetes

18.4 percent of the Youngsters up to the age of 22  including school children of  Sri Lanka are suffering from Diabetes according to the latest Health Survey conducted by the Ministry Of Health.According to the survey 4.2 percent of School Children below 16 years of age ,4.4 percent belongs to the 16-18 age group and 9.8 percent of 18-22 age group are suffering from Diabetes.

Also the survey revealed that 24 percent of the women population and 19 percent of male population in sri lanka are not having any physical exercise  and prone to Diabetes.Unhealthy Diet pattern ,lack of exercises ,mental stress and obesity are  identified as  main causes of getting the disease.

Out of the sri lankan population 10 percent of the rural population and 20 percent of the urban population is suffering from diabetes Ministry Of Health added.

School Children Are Addicted To Dough Nuts?

It has been reported that 1800 Dough Nuts are sold to the School Children by a Popular Government School Cafe per every 30 minutes  according to the Ministry Of Health.Besides selling these sugary Foods another three cafes belongs to three popular government schools  are selling Thai,Chinese and Indian Varieties of Food  to School Children daily  Ministry has said.

Considering this situation Health Ministry has decided to activate the School Canteen Act with immediate effect to prevent School Children from getting Diabetes  and Obesity due to unhealthy meals and to ensure supplying them locally made healthy meals and natural fruit juices through these School Canteens Deputy Health Minister Mahinda Amaraweera has said.

Rice Company Owner Dudley Sirisena to Supply Rice For The Controlled Price

 The owner of the Araliya Rice Company Dudley Sirisena has yesterday(28) stated that his Company  along with other Rice companies  will supp...