Friday, August 30, 2019


Eight Fishermen Arrested Over Using Banned Fishing Nets For Fishing

sroi lankas banned fishing nets සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
The Naval officers attached to Eastern Naval command of the Sri Lanka Navy have today (30)arrested 08 Sri Lankan fishermen who had used banned fishing nets for fishing at Kokilayi area in Thricomalee .

Naval Officers have taken in to custody a banned fishing net ,fisheries equipment and Dinghy Boat long with the suspects and they are scheduled to be handed over to the Kuchchaweli Police for further investigations.

Two Persons Had Been Killed Due To Three Wheeler -Bus Collision

අදාළ රූපයTwo persons had been killed and four other had been injured and hospitalized after the Three Wheeler they were travelling in colliding with a Bus near Dankotuwa Hopsital in Dankotuwa-Pannala main road this morning (30).

The injured including two males and two females had been admitted to Dankotuwa Hospital for the treatment .

The deceased had been identified as the 59 year old Three Wheeler driver and a female travelling in the Three wheeler who were residents of Dankotuwa Hospital Road and Ravita areas.

Police have arrested the Bus driver regarding the incident .

Five Persons Including Two Children Injured Due To A Road Accident

road acciedent සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල
Five persons including two children had been injured and hospitalized after the Three wheeler they were travelling in veering off the road and crashed in to a lamp post at nelulla area in Wellawaya-Thanamalwila main  Road last night (29).

The injured had been admitted to the Thanamalwila Base Hospital for treatment .The injured are residents of Malewanayaya in Wellawaya and they were travelling to Wellawaya from Hambegamuwa area at the time of the incident it has been revealed .

The incident occurred as a result of the driver fallen a sleep whilst on the wheel according to reports.

Great Barrier Reef outlook very poor, Australia says


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Image may contain: texti love you page සඳහා පින්තුර ප්‍රතිඵල

Supreme Court Ordered The Elections Commission To Conduct Elpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha

A Tribunal Judge panel of the Supreme
Court has today  (30)ordered the National Election Commission to conduct the Elpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha Election .

The Tribunal Judge panel  has issued this order after considering a petition submitted by the Democratic United National Front over a rejection of it's nomination paper for the election of Elpitiya Pradeshiya sabah. 

In the petition the petitioner had argued that the rejection of the nomination paper was illegal .

After considering the petition Supreme Court Judge panel has ordered the select officer of the Elpitiya Pradeshiya sabah to accept the rejected nomination list of the Democratic United National Front.

Meanwhile National Elections Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya   has said today that the suspended election of the Elpitiya Pradeshiya Sabha will be held during the first week of October.

Supreme Court had issued an interim order to the Election Commission  to suspend   the Elections   of the Pradeshiya sabah until the conclusion of the inquiry on the petition . 

Extreme Weather Battered Many Parts Of The Island

 Extreme weather associated With. Heavy showers and strong winds battered many parts of  the island since last night Causing floods and land...